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    'We're told we need a massive chest and washboard abs': The rise of steroids - and the unspoken dangers
    Steep increase in Limerick steroid-users seeking needle exchange
    'Steroids aren't just for people playing in the Olympics anymore - They're more recreational'
    Coroner warns of dangers of steroid use at inquest into death of 18-year-old Limerick boy
    Alcohol, tobacco and medicine seized at Dublin Port
    Huge spike in steroid use despite side effects such as stunted growth and baldness
    Former Real IRA gang associates selling steroids as number of addicts rises
    Spike in the importation of illegal anabolic steroids causes health fears
    Steroids, growth hormones and erectile dysfunction pills worth €2 million seized in Donegal
    NRL star suspended after testing positive for steroids
    Irish woman waiting to hear about extradition to US is on suicide watch
    Steroids: 'I thought that the only way I could beat my addiction was to end my life'
    Marcus Power
    Gardaí find large quantity of growth hormones after stopping car in Lucan
    6-year ban for New Zealand-based rugby player on steroids
    Revenue seizes cigarettes worth €1.9m and steroids worth €30k
    Spencer Matthews was kicked out of I'm A Celebrity because of his 'steroid addiction'
    Performance-enhancing drugs don't actually make you better at sport
    Two-year ban for South African rugby player after positive test for steroids
    More and more men are receiving treatment for steroid abuse
    Sports Film Of The Week: Bigger, Stronger, Faster
    What athletes looked like before and after they used steroids
    Beef 'at risk' as penalties for feeding steroids to cattle may be cut
    Baseball Hall of Fame inducts... no one
    Former All Blacks coach denies steroid claims
    Uh oh: former Yankees pitcher Roger Clemens to be retried on perjury charges
    MLB cracks down on deer antler spray
    Five North Koreans fail dope tests at Women's World Cup
    View from New York: Barry Bonds' balls a matter of public interest
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