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    Two Dominos pizza branches got prank-called and put on the same phone line
    9 undeniable signs that you love pizza just a little bit too much
    Two arrested after hijacking pizza delivery man's car
    This guy eating pizza at the gym is your spiritual soulmate
    Here's why #PizzaOnATrain was trending globally last night
    Apache Pizza in Cork are doing Communion buffets
    This hamster stuffing its face with a tiny pizza is your new spirit animal
    8 dogs who just really want one tiny slice of your pizza, okay?
    Pizza Cake is now a real thing and here's what it looks like
    Dominos is now selling pizza with a base made of chicken
    The Burning Question*: Should pineapple ever go on a pizza?
    That's a lot of chicken satay: Takeaway website Just Eat valued at €1.8bn
    Domino's Irish sales are topping 2013
    Salma Hayek has the biggest First World Problem of all time
    Ellen DeGeneres finally gives the Oscars pizza guy his tip
    The 24 most memorable moments from Oscars 2014
    Celebrities helping themselves to the pizza Ellen ordered at the Oscars
    The US military is making pizza that never goes bad
    Papa John's "investigating" bin overflowing with mysterious pizza dough
    Dominos pizza creates 'pizza-selfies' for couple on their wedding day
    Patrick Stewart used a Starship Entrerprise pizza cutter, and filmed it
    Do Irish people eat pizza with their hands, or a knife and fork?
    Here's what Dubliners need to understand about Supermacs
    Macaulay Culkin is in a pizza-themed Velvet Underground cover band
    9 very lazy things you definitely do all the time
    Guy live tweets neighbours' breakup, with hilarious results
    All the stages you go through when ordering a takeaway
    Home pizza-ordering button may be the best gadget ever
    Cork bakery’s DIY pizza rollout has the dough for 32 new jobs
    You can now get drunk on 'pizza in a glass'
    PIC: Michael Noonan got a free pizza for his lunch today*
    WATCH: Man uses magic trick to tip pizza delivery guys $100
    You can now buy a Cheeseburger Crust Pizza in Ireland
    Pizza place offers free pizza to women who flash them
    Are these the greatest comfort foods of all?
    Kid asks for pizza from hospital window... internet sends dozens
    9 foods you firmly believe will cure a hangover
    Dominos now make DVDs that smell like pizza
    13 reasons pizza is the world's most perfect food
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