Brent Lillibridge is congratulated by Alex Rios -- probably because he has a really cool alter-ego. AP Photo/Genevieve Ross

'Phone call for Bart Simpson': The Chicago White Sox explain their multiple identities

Why have one name when you can have two?

CHECK THE GUEST list at some of Americaโ€™s top hotels closely and you might just find Bart Simpson rooming with Robert E. Lee, with Napoleon Dynamite and Hannibal Lecter staying a couple of doors down.

This is not some new underground phenomenon. No, itโ€™s just another standard night when the Chicago White Sox are in town.

CSNChicagoโ€™s Chuck Garfien writes that one of baseballโ€™s most famous franchises have developed an elaborate system of aliases and alternate personalities in an attempt to protect their privacy on the road.

Tired of getting late-night phone calls from fans of their own team and of the opposition, an estimated 90% of the White Sox players have now picked out at least one alter-ego, usually inspired by someone from the world of film, television, music, or politics.

Whatโ€™s more, the players are so secretive about their identities that some of their own team-mates donโ€™t even know who is who, which surely leads to some interesting conversations with hotel receptionists around the country.

Read more of Chuck Garfienโ€™s article at >

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