Murray Kinsella reports from Melbourne
WALLABIES BOSS MICHAEL Cheika has hit back at ex-Ireland international Neil Francis after he labelled David Pocock ‘a cancer on the game.’
Writing for the Irish Independent in the wake of Ireland’s defeat to the Wallabies last weekend, Francis was critical of the flanker for his work at the breakdown.
There is history between Cheika and Francis, with the latter having previously labelled Leinster as ‘ladyboys’ during Cheika’s time in charge of the province.
And Francis’ latest column has angered the Wallabies head coach.
“I think David Pocock is a cancer on the game,” wrote Francis. “Yes, I do have grudging admiration for all his abilities and it is great when you have a player like that in your side… he had six legal turnovers and three illegal turnovers, and he and his buddy Michael Hooper managed to slow the ball down more than enough to stop any rhythm that Ireland looked like they were beginning to achieve. You have to make special preparations to counter Pocock.”
Cheika was asked about Francis’ comments by an Australian journalist at his press conference in Melbourne today and the Wallabies coach expressed strong displeasure at the term used to describe Pocock.
“That guy needs to choose his words a little better I think, to be honest,” said Cheika of Francis. “It’s not a very nice thing to say.
“I’m not worried about what he thinks about Poey’s footy, I just think that’s not a very nice term to use. There’s people who are really sick out there, I’m not into that.
“He used to say a lot of stuff about us when I coached Leinster as well, some unflattering words he would use for his own publicity. That’s fine.”
Preventing Pocock from getting a similar grip on the breakdown in the second Test at AAMI Park in Melbourne on Saturday will be a key focus for Ireland.
While Cheika is sure that Joe Schmidt’s team will be on the lookout for Pocock, hoping to limit his influence however possible, he feels the Brumbies back row is more than capable of dealing with the close attention.
“He’ll wear it, he’s a tough guy,” said Cheika.
“He’s working real hard, he’s got a great work ethic, he’s tough, he can take a battering and he can keep getting up. I don’t see why it’s a big deal, he’s doing what he does, that’s his contribution to the footy team.
“He’s got a lot of other skills apart from just the ruck. That’s good, everyone should just keep watching him at the ruck and they’ll forget about the other good stuff he does on the field.
“He carried some good balls last week, distributed the ball well a couple of times, his support play. He’s had a good entry back into the team but he’s got improvements still to go for sure.”
Cheika has named a completely unchanged matchday 23 for Saturday’s second meeting with Ireland, the first time he has done so in his 46-Test tenure as Wallabies coach.
“I didn’t realise that until I was just told,” said Cheika. “It was the first game of the season last weekend, so we were a bit rushed, we crammed a lot into last week.
“So I’d just like to give those guys another opportunity to get out there with the understanding of being together for another three or four days and try to do better because we need to raise the bar on ourselves, on our own standards, this week to give ourselves a chance of winning the game.”
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The only cancer on the game here is Francis. His shameful self promotion and sensationalism belong more in the sun than the Indo. I for one blame Dunphy. Neil Francis is only following his playbook.
@Jim Demps: I had the same thought as your first line (Francis is the only cancer on the game).
But, isn’t the Indo his natural home? Doesn’t Kimmage write there too?
@Andrew Hurley: yeah they deserve each other. I’m no fan of the GAA as an organization even though I hurled for years but Kimmages shameful pursuit of football clubs in the last few weeks and naming ordinary volunteers is pure gutter journalism. Once upon a time the Indo was a good read. Now it’s pure slop.
@Jim Demps: well said …rugby is and was my main sport, but I also do some underage hurling coaching. I must say I detest kimmages pieces now. He was right about doping in cycling, but his fixation on the negative is exhausting. His piece on athenry was a disgrace ….and naming volunteers was reprehensible. Luke Fitz rightly called him out as a bitter bully.
@Jim Demps: Disagree there Jim. Doesn’t matter if you’re a volunteer or not, those clubs and the GAA have questions to answer over the way they conduct themselves. Just because they’re volunteers, and just because it’s Kimmage writing, doesn’t excuse them. And we’re taking about child welfare here, that’s paramount
@Andrew Taz Donohoe: sure thing. But write an article on the GAA and their failure. Naming individual volunteers in what was an internal dispute ( which was handled dreadfully) is absolutely shocking stuff. Every club in every sport in the country would have had a similar story down through the years. There wouldn’t be too many clubs operating if we start naming volunteers who make mistakes.
@Jim Demps: Accusing someone of child abuse is not a ‘mistake’. It’s career and life changing. Kimmage is a complete mong but he is right to call out GAA hq on their payments, protection of idiots and lack of accountability when it comes to child protection. GAA need to sort it out before it goes the way of the scouts.
@Andrew Taz Donohoe: couldn’t disagree with you more…the term child welfare is especially loaded. The athenry piece was an internal issue that in no way endangered the welfare of any child and I agree that is paramount. I have seen issues blow up in clubs for perceived slights etc. A petty club wrangling does not warrant the coverage kimmage gave it, and to name volunteers in this instance was very wrong.
@Jim Demps: I agree with you about naming people in a local dispute, but I work with young people everyday and if I was accused of inappropriate behaviour my career and life would be ruined. Even an offhand remark can be devastating and sometimes impossible to retract. I also have an issue with the GAA making the payment and the secrecy of it. How much money do they take away from clubs to pay local disputes?
@TheHeathen: I fully agree with you. No issues there. My only issue is with kimmage and his reporting of the situation. He could have reported the same thing with a focus on the GAA and without having destroyed small clubs and individuals in the process. He might have achieved more too.
@k mcnamara: not sure it was petty… Highly defamatory comments (child welfare related by the by) were made against an individual in the 2nd club. Volunteers are the salt of the earth, agreed… but my lord, like anything I suppose there are some highly obnoxious megalomaniac’s involved at all levels. Comparing Kimmage with Frances is unfair.. Frances wants a reaction whereas Kimmage is a bit of a crusader which doesn’t sit well with most of us. He can be ott alright but I feel his intentions are for the good. Feel bad for the innocent people of both clubs but I am glad that these ‘perceived slights’ went reported though. No need to be burying things under a carpet and instead shaking a few trees is needed with the hope that it would offer some change.
The football World Cup starts today , and Neil Francis is struggling for column inches , mentions etc . Blame it on Real Madrid , Lopetegui , Griezmann but the only way Franno can get in the news is by slagging an awesome player . It’s the George Hook /Michael OLeary / Eamon Dunphy school of trolling excellence . In fact he probably has a couple of fake accounts on the 42
David Pocock – an outstanding rugby player and widely respected ambassador of the game.
Neil Francis – not.
As a man that’s trying to learn more about the game (thanks mainly to this app!) can someone explain what Francis’ comments are about. Is there something actually wrong with what Pocock is doing? I know I read in the article that some of his turnovers were illegal but there’s nothing wrong with trying to steal the ball when the opposition goes to ground is there? Went through a Murray article on here a while back analysing Pocock’s and I remember thinking how brilliant he was at it….and developing an appreciation for how important the clearing out was when he was hovering around.
@Joe Kennedy: he’s just a bitter tool desperately trying to keep himself relevant. Meanwhile Pocock is one of the best back rows in world rugby so don’t think he’ll be too upset.
@Joe Kennedy: no, Pocock is not only a great player, but he’s also a fantastic ambassador for the sport off the field. He’s one of those all round good guys. He is a bloody nuissance to play against, and he slows down your ball a lot. But that’s his job and he’s good at it. When poaching ball, you are always going to be illegal a percentage of the time, it’s just that sort of area. But mostly I think hos technique and intentions are good.
@Conor Paddington: Pocock’s natural athleticism is considered cheating by former lazy ruck inspector.
@Conor Paddington: ah right I’m not missing anything so. Cheers Con!
@Joe Kennedy: Pocock is Australias version of Alan Quinlan. A guy all opposition and their fans hate but if he is on your team he is a legend. Knows the laws and rules better than the refs and plays on the edge. I would love if we had Pocock playimg for us. Similar to Richie McCaw also.
@Paul O Mahony: haha…. yeah I remember thinking that after Murray’s article as well actually….felt like hating him but wishing we had him on our side at the same time!
@Joe Kennedy: great you’re opening up your eyes to sports that aren’t indigenous to Ireland big Joey. Keep it up
@Joe Kennedy: I presume when Francis refers to Pocock’s play at the breakdown as a cancer he means it is a disease that mitigates against flowing,open,continuous play that you would see in sevens rugby. This may appeal to people who know little about the game and who just love to see players touching down under the post regardless of how easy their passage there was. Real rugby fans just love a ferocious battle at the breakdown as in Pockcock versus Leavy or Hooper versus O’Mahony.
@Alana: haha…. Oh I always had the eyes open to all sports Al but just starting to appreciate some of the finer points of the rugby on this thing! Hurling trumps all still though! :)
@Tom Reilly: fair enough yeah. As a non-rugby person, I have to say the fast free-flowing stuff is/was more pleasing to the eye for sure!
@Joe Kennedy: Like any great player in this position they thread a very fine line between being legal and illegal at the breakdown. Richie McCaw of course was the master of it.
@Paul O Mahony: quinny used to wear fingerless gloves so the ref wouldnt see his hand at the bottom of the ruck. Legend.
McCaw was a master of making tackles releasing and going for the ball from the opponents side, screwing counter rucks. Which he was legally allowed do at the time.
Francis is not worth getting upset over..surprised Cheika gave his article any credence.. Pocock is the player everyone hates when playing against your team but would love to have him in your team
@Diarmuid Higgins: Agreed. I don’t read Francis so his opinion means nothing to me. He also writes for that utter rag of a paper. Surprised Cheika responded. They should have held up a pic of Franno at the press conference, pointed at him, and laughed uncontrollably.
@Diarmuid Higgins: Chieka’s been using Francis as motivation for years. He used to pin his articles up on the walls of Leinster’s dressing room. If you can someone to do your motivation for you, a coach would be foolish to turn it down.
We should just deport Francis and be done with him. He’s literally shown himself to be a national embarrassment here.
Genuinely heartened to see how many people can’t stand Neil Francis!
Franno is an opinionated c#nt with a chip on his shoulder that he missed the pro era. His views on Connacht Munster and Ulster highlight is extreme bias towards Leinster
@DC: I’m pretty sure he’s a Munster supporter but that’s irrelevant, he’s a d*ck head
@DC: “extreme bias towards Leinster.” In late 2008 early 2009, months before Leinster’s first H Cup, Franno tore Leinster to pieces every week. The abuse he dished out was far more extreme than anything he sent the way of the other 3 teams.
@Bob Joe: I’m pretty sure you’re wrong. Francis supports Munster as much as Wales vote for Ireland getting the RWC
Ah controversial for the sake of it ,ala dunphy in his prime (who seems to be mellowing by the way)
Like Hook before him, Francis is an irrelevant troll making a living out of a game that has long passed him by. He should’ve been sacked when he made those ridiculous homophobic comments, only the Indo didn’t have the balls to do it. He should also be ignored.
When Franno played he made a tortoise seem energetic.
Ask Franno about Tony Copsey
Franno was floored by Copsey who was was playing his first game for Wales. Fair play to him
Pocock is an excellent player Ireland would love to have him…
Franno is a bollox. Simple. As. That.
Neil Francis is an inexcusable moron. Not just about this. About pretty much everything. He must have some dirt on somebody at the Indo, as it’s the only explanation for why he has a column.
What an idiot, he’s made a living from being a professional troll
I never rated him when he played for Ireland, struck me as being either lazy or overawed – perhaps both. Why would he want to use such terminology. Is he mistaking honest effort and putting one’s body on the line in rucks to. He wasn’t a great player and he’s not a great writer.
That’s a low blow. Pocock is inspirational
Francis is just a troll, a bottom feeder.
Always was , always will be.
He looks for a reaction.
If you probably assess his articles , there lack any proper analysis. He just fires out comments to rattle people’s cage.
I do believe he is a proper knob in real life to .
Cheika is right terrible way to describe it.Francis is a clown anyway in my opinion not a liked man.
‘poey’s footie’. And i thought the irish were unbearable with their Drico and Darce etc. I have no comment to make about franno. He doesn’t warrant one.
I don’t know much about the protagonists here but “cancer” is often used metaphorically in this fashion. The cancer at the heart of English football, etc. It is a metaphor, a strong metaphor but a metaphor none the less.
Appalling choice of words from an average biased columnist
Ugly comment by Neil Francis- we’ve praised Ireland’s disruptive work at the breakdown during this years 6 nations, some of which was marginal. That’s the skill, hovering on the edge of “legal” and the best teams / back rows in the world are experts in it. Check a was right to call it out and one hopes it isn’t used as a motivational tool in the Australian dressing room .
You’re a muppet Franno.
Francis writes a lot of garbage, but I think for Cheika to get upset over the term ‘chancer’ is a bit sensitive. Who cares what a has-been pundit has to say.
@Aidan Prior: Remove the ‘h’ and you’ll arrive at the term used.
@Phil O’ Meara: Jasus I completely missed that, can’t believe he said that. That is a horrible term to use, my bad.
What’s Francis then? A genital wart is the best analogy IMHO
Sour grapes,grow a pair.
Cheika is right. Ever since INM eliminated the feedback/comments section it seems a few of their writers feel both free to and compelled to write outrageous drivel, bordering on defamatory, with Francis being among the worst offenders. It seems the criticism he received as a player has to be paid back on the backs of current players, coaches and officials, with special opprobrium reserved for Ulster and Munster.
It’s not a nice comment I agree, but Cheika is hardly in a position to suddenly act offended when he is choosing to play an openly homophobic player who condemned all gay people to burn in hell.
It’s disgusting. Pocock may not cover himself in glory on the pitch but he doesn’t incite hatred like Folau does. Yet Cheika plays Folau.
Francis is a loser professional troll
Francis is a stupid K*nt