The second man to walk on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, now owns a Kerry jersey
Wonder if he could do a job at wing-back?
11.43am, 5 Mar 2013
Images (c) Michael Chia
ONCE SOMEBODY HAS walked on the moon, it must be really hard to get them presents. (“Hey, I got you this jumper. No, it’s not as cool as the one you wore when you came back from the moon.”)
When Sean Kelly MEP met legendary Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin in Brussels earlier today, he got the gift just right — by giving him a Kerry GAA jersey.
Aldrin, 83, was visiting the European Parliament to help launch EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration, a five-day conference hosted by Kelly.
We may see him in Fitzgerald Stadium before too long.
The second man to walk on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, now owns a Kerry jersey
Images (c) Michael Chia
ONCE SOMEBODY HAS walked on the moon, it must be really hard to get them presents. (“Hey, I got you this jumper. No, it’s not as cool as the one you wore when you came back from the moon.”)
When Sean Kelly MEP met legendary Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin in Brussels earlier today, he got the gift just right — by giving him a Kerry GAA jersey.
Aldrin, 83, was visiting the European Parliament to help launch EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration, a five-day conference hosted by Kelly.
We may see him in Fitzgerald Stadium before too long.
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Buzz Aldrin County Colours Kerry GAA Seán Kelly