It could be worse! Here are 8 of the most hideous Ryder Cup outfits
If you thought the matching orange jumpers sported by Team Europe for the official Ryder Cup photo were bad, think again.
12.35pm, 26 Sep 2012
(Charlie Riedel/AP/Press Association Images)
Updated 12.45
THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT the Ryder Cup that brings out the worst in golfers’ dress sense.
We love John Daly’s collection of trousers and we miss the good old days of Ian Poulter’s outrageous fashion statements, but some of the clobber that gets paraded around at the Ryder Cup is… well, it’s just offensive really. And that’s coming from us, a group of people who look like they get dressed in the dark every morning.
Team Europe got the ball rolling for 2012 in their official team photograph on Tuesday. If nothing else, at least they’ll always have those fetching orange jumpers to remind them of Medinah.
In context though, they’re really not that bad. Here are some of the other eyesores from down through the years.
1. United States, 1961
Milkman-chic was obviously the order of the day when the Americans were picking their outfits for Royal Lytham & St Anne’s. You wouldn’t want to get stuck in a puddle wearing those white jackets.
The 70s was a pretty funky time but that doesn’t really excuse the white jackets with black trim. Unless one of the European team was getting married that weekend.
In comparison to some of the monstrosities already seen — yeah we’re looking at you, USA 1983 — the salmon sweater-vests worn by Europe in Oak Hill in 1995 weren’t the worst. They did set a rather disturbing precedent for some later teams though.
(Laurence Griffiths/EMPICS Sport)
5. United States, 1999
The shirts worn by America on the final day at Brookline were one of those ideas that was great in principle but should have been binned immediately and never spoken about again once the horrific fashion implications were realised.
Then again, who’s to say that Justin Leonard would have made his vital 45-foot putt if he wasn’t inspired by a shirt with portraits of all the previous US winning teams.
(DOUG MILLS/AP/Press Association Images)
6. Europe, 2002
Mustard jumper and brown slacks? It looks like Sam Torrence fell into that pond.
(Rebecca Naden/PA Archive/Press Association Images)
7. United States, 2006
Knowing the Americans, this brown outfit was probably meant as a misguided tribute to Ireland’s love of the soil. Reckon Tom Lehman tried to convince his wife Melissa to wear something similar?
(PETER MORRISON/AP/Press Association Images)
8. United States, 2010
No matter how well you’re playing, you’re still wearing a purple sleeveless cardigan. Ouch.
It could be worse! Here are 8 of the most hideous Ryder Cup outfits
(Charlie Riedel/AP/Press Association Images)
Updated 12.45
THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT the Ryder Cup that brings out the worst in golfers’ dress sense.
We love John Daly’s collection of trousers and we miss the good old days of Ian Poulter’s outrageous fashion statements, but some of the clobber that gets paraded around at the Ryder Cup is… well, it’s just offensive really. And that’s coming from us, a group of people who look like they get dressed in the dark every morning.
Team Europe got the ball rolling for 2012 in their official team photograph on Tuesday. If nothing else, at least they’ll always have those fetching orange jumpers to remind them of Medinah.
In context though, they’re really not that bad. Here are some of the other eyesores from down through the years.
1. United States, 1961
Milkman-chic was obviously the order of the day when the Americans were picking their outfits for Royal Lytham & St Anne’s. You wouldn’t want to get stuck in a puddle wearing those white jackets.
2. Europe, 1973
The 70s was a pretty funky time but that doesn’t really excuse the white jackets with black trim. Unless one of the European team was getting married that weekend.
3. United States, 1983
There are so many things wrong with this photo, we don’t even know where to start.
4. Europe, 1995
In comparison to some of the monstrosities already seen — yeah we’re looking at you, USA 1983 — the salmon sweater-vests worn by Europe in Oak Hill in 1995 weren’t the worst. They did set a rather disturbing precedent for some later teams though.
(Laurence Griffiths/EMPICS Sport)
5. United States, 1999
The shirts worn by America on the final day at Brookline were one of those ideas that was great in principle but should have been binned immediately and never spoken about again once the horrific fashion implications were realised.
Then again, who’s to say that Justin Leonard would have made his vital 45-foot putt if he wasn’t inspired by a shirt with portraits of all the previous US winning teams.
(DOUG MILLS/AP/Press Association Images)
6. Europe, 2002
Mustard jumper and brown slacks? It looks like Sam Torrence fell into that pond.
(Rebecca Naden/PA Archive/Press Association Images)
7. United States, 2006
Knowing the Americans, this brown outfit was probably meant as a misguided tribute to Ireland’s love of the soil. Reckon Tom Lehman tried to convince his wife Melissa to wear something similar?
(PETER MORRISON/AP/Press Association Images)
8. United States, 2010
No matter how well you’re playing, you’re still wearing a purple sleeveless cardigan. Ouch.
(Jon Super/AP/Press Association Images)
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