IT’S 100 DAYS to the start of this year’s World Cup in Brazil so what better reason to take a look back at every football used between 1930-2010.
It’s a toss-up between the Tango and the Azteca for us.
Which is your favourite?
(h/t: Bleacher Report)
2002 ball is a beauty.
Could get unreal curl with it
Got to be the 1970 Telstar. The coolest World Cup, the best footage and the original 32 panel black and white ball. It even has a retro name. And I’m not even a football hipster.
Tango all the way.
Has to be the azteca
Tango. you felt like zico with it
The 2002 Fevernova, what a ball. Came out the same year as the fabled Nike Scorpion ball if I remember. One of the lads got his put in a glass case if I remember.
2006 Teamgeist for me