COUNTY BOARD DELEGATES in Offaly were tonight presented with this proposed design for the county’s jersey?
It was met with, what new Faithful County PRO Alan Walsh described as, a ‘mixed reaction’ and will be modified.
What do you make of it? A welcome modern twist on the tradition jersey? Or an unwholly abomination that should never grace Croke Park, not to mind Coppers?
It’s new players they need not new jerseys
Nice design!!!
Stay with the old one, just restore some pride in it . That would work a treat for all supporters
Offaly good…
it’s the “Quality Irish Ham” that sets it off nicely.
Funny you should mention Offaly & Coppers, Have a look at the sticker on the sign…
Prefer the new Cork jersey that promotes Testicular Cancer Awareness with @mercyfoundcork #TackleTesticularCancer!
I’d say hours of work went into that design… We won’t have to look at it for long in the championship anyway…