23. You reckon there was nothing Damien Fitzhenry couldn’t do on the pitch
Stopping goals go in and being congratulated by Brian Corcoran at one end…
Pic: INPHO/Morgan Treacy
Or scoring them at the other end…
Pic: INPHO/Lorraine O’Sullivan
22. You know the Rackard’s were the greatest hurling brothers of all time
Nicky, Bobby and Billy. Now those lads could hurl.
The late Billy Rackard.
Pic: INPHO/Morgan Treacy
21. You take an extra interest in rugby games where Ferns native Gordon D’Arcy is playing
Pic: INPHO/Patrick Bolger
20. But you know he dreams of playing for the Purple and Gold
Pic: INPHO/Billy Stickland
19. Your favourite goal of all time is a toss up between…
Tom Dempsey’s effort in 1996
YouTube: LovelyHurling Ire
Rory McCarthy’s strike in 2003
YouTube: hockeyhurlingshinty2
Or Mick Jacob’s score in 2004
YouTube: Conor Ryan
18. You came up with the idea to say ‘What’s the story Martin?’ to this man
17. Fans from other counties can have the Gooch, Canavan and Brogan – you’ve been privileged to see Matty Forde kick ball more often
Pic: INPHO/Dan Sheridan
16. You enjoy watching Wexford footballer Graeme Molloy play the role of Will from The Inbetweeners
Pic: @aindreasdoyle
15. You reckon the Wexford camogie team are going to dominate forever
Pic: INPHO/James Crombie
14. You take pride in a Wexford man being one of the world’s best horse racing trainers
Pic: INPHO/Morgan Treacy
13. You forgive Mick Wallace for the pink jerseys because of all he has done for Wexford Youths
Pic: INPHO/Dan Sheridan
12. You know your players never need to leave the South-East for warm-weather training
Larry O’Gorman
Pic: INPHO/Patrick Bolger
Diarmuid Lyng
Pic: INPHO/Lorraine O’Sullivan
11. You can’t decide who is your favourite big man at the edge of the square
Tony Doran…
Or Billy Byrne…
10. You know Ciaran Lyng could be an Irish soccer international but look how happy he is playing for Wexford
Pic: INPHO/Lorraine O’Sullivan
9. This effort from Eoin Quigley is your favourite point of all time
YouTube: Conor Ryan
8. Your heart has been broken by football defeats to Dublin
Pic: INPHO/Colm O’Neill
7. Your heart has been broken by hurling losses to Kilkenny
Pic: INPHO/Catherine McAvinney
6. You’ve taken a keen interest in the fortunes of Reading and Wolves because of this man
Pic: INPHO/Getty Images
5. But you know Doyle never forgets his Wexford roots
Pic: INPHO/Donall Farmer
4. You reckon Billy Walsh could manage any team in the world and they’d be successful
Pic: INPHO/James Crombie
3. You know Dancing At The Crossroads is the greatest song of all time
YouTube: conor byrne
2. You believe this is the greatest sports photo of all time
George O’Connor’s reaction at the final whistle of the 1996 All-Ireland hurling final. After 18 seasons as a senior inter-county hurler, he finally won an All-Ireland medal in his last game for the county.
1. And you’ll always be thankful to Liam Griffin for the memories of 1996
If you’re a sports fan at all the photo (and the story) of George O’Connor is one of the greatest ever taken.
Nonsense. If you like your GAA it has meaning. If not, it’s some dude in a god-awful kit praying.
It goes much further “that a fella in a god awful kit praying” I’m not from Wexford and think its a great shot, anyone with an appreciation for sport and is filled in a little on the back story would appreciate this I’d imagine!!
As a Limerick woman, 1996 broke my heart. :( But Wexford was always a great sporting county.
The 90′s was a fantastic decade for hurling !!
I wouldn’t call Liam Dunne breaking Gary Kirby’s fingers “sporting”. Nor Eamon Scallan’s red card after a filthy pull on Stephen McDonagh.
It’s upto Kirby to.protect his hand.
Are you for real?! I’d like to see you “protect your hand” from a filthy wild swing like that, where no genuine attempt was made to make contact with the ball. Dunne deliberately targeted Kirby, Limerick’s main scoring threat.
Wexford deserved to win the game, no qualms there. But Dunne will never be forgiven for that and many other dirty pulls throughout his career.
Kirby was no threat from play and we didn’t concede to many frees. It wasn’t a dirty stroke and liam Dunne never pulled a dirty stroke. He was short for a cb and had to pull in the air which sometimes got him into trouble. Perfectly within the rules. Gary Kirby,john Troy,martin comerford were a shower of women. The Brian o meara incident was just terrible refereeing
Kirby was no threat from play because Dunne made sure he had to play the whole game with a fractured finger.
Dunne never pulled a dirty stroke? Are we talking about the same Liam Dunne here?! Not even the most partisan of Wexford fans would claim he never pulled a dirty stroke!
As much as I love dancing on tables to Dancing at the Crossroads you can’t beat The Purple and Gold!
“It is a beauty to behold”
Hon Wexford, beat the dubs now tomorrow evening and we’ll forget all the heartbreaks hows that.
Hill 16 . Dublin only.
Wexford definitely produces the best sporting songs, Purple & Gold, Dancing at the crossroads & Boolavogue. They certainly beat “Dungarvan my home town” although “don’t stop believing” has become the unofficial Waterford anthem.
What’s that “hill 16. Dublin only” bollox I see poppin up here n there about?
As a regular Hill-goer, we love to spot the odd couple of fans from the other county mixed in having the craic, that’s what it’s all about.. everyone is welcome on the Hill
I’d always support Wexford after ourselves in Waterford. We both know the pain of so many nearly days & crushing defeats but also the delight of those long-awaited good days. Sunny South-East united :)
24. You’ve cause a riot in Quinns/Coppers after hearing the epic first words ‘I will remember as a young boy….’
25. You just can’t get it into your head that Dublin (DUBLIN!) are favourites to beat Wexford in Wexford Park.
26. You’ve stopped in Arklow for chips on the way home from another Croker defeat.
27, You know all the words to the players bit in ‘Dancing at the Crossroads’ (Damien Fitzhenry, Ger Cushe, Sean Flood, Rod Guiney, Liam Dunne, Colm Kehoe, Billy Byrne, Martin Storey, John O’Connor, Tom Dempsey, George O’Connor, ADRIANFENLONANDLARRYOGORMANNN!)
28. All the bingo halls were empty. And all the masses finished early.
Don’t forget the ’97 remix with all the clubs at the end! They always saved the best team til last!
Forgot to mention the 4 in a row all Ireland football titles.
Take that Kerry
Skurdinky skurdaw!
Deadly desh article, saan.
It’s quaren good boy!
Who says “Skurdinky skurdaw” ? Scalders ?
No scalders anyway, I’m from Enniscorthy and never heard the saying…
Love going on the piss with my Wexford friends!
Great stuff by Billy & all this week.
Strawberries… You forgot to mention tha STRAWBERRIES!!! And the Carne Potatoes!?
Why wasn’t Liam Sprat given a mention???
Did ye forget Jim Bolger!!
Aaahhh Wexford isn’t too bad… At least it’s full of dubs
Depends if you’re there on a court day or not :P
24. No one cares
How high is that horse of yours?
18 hands.
I’m with ya, couldn’t give a rats arse about it, the only good thing about the Wexford football and hurling teams is that when there’s a match on it takes a lot of the yokels off the streets, and even out of the county sometimes! Pity they couldn’t stay gone….
WiFi signals have really improved these days to make it so far under bridges
You mean a GPRS, 3G or 4G signal there Bilbo, but I get ya all the same, not trolling though, no point in trying to troll the Irish rednecks, the majority of the people I’m talking about aren’t online reading the news, they’re already half jarred in their locals. Good luck at the game if you’re going tomorrow Bilbo, hopefully a huge sinkhole will open under the stadium and raise the average iq of the nation quite substantially.
48 to 1 at the moment Bilbo, didn’t expect so many rednecks to be reading an online news site! I’m impressed!
Redneck is mostly an southern American term, are you American?
Nah I used the term “Irish redneck” in the comment before, thought it would carry over in the mind of anyone who read it! Have you ever been to a club game on a Sunday morning? I used to live by a GAA ground and the stuff we saw going on would remind ya of the stereotypical rednecks seen in American movies. If the shoe fits…..
Monkable. You are just a sorry fool. Get a life kid.
Don’t you think it ironic for someone to assert or create a social stereotype based upon what field he lived close to and that it resembles something from a fictional American movie?
No problem Thomas, I’ll get right on that. And no it’s not really that ironic is it Bilbo? I’m mostly talking about the away teams crowd coming in from the schticks to support their parish club. Granted there were freaks in the home parish too, I can remember watching two mothers arguing over something in the small crowd gathered on the sidelines one day, both from the home club which makes it more bizarre, but whatever was said between them incensed one of them enough to take one of her kids used nappies that she had put in the prams compartment and flung it into the face of the other woman. Of course a brawl between a host of the home clubs supporters broke out, and the away fans didn’t want to be left out so some of them came flooding across the pitch to join in.
Your kind of people Bilbo? Or Irish rednecks? I’m not saying they’re all like that, that would be like saying all soccer fans are louts or all rugby fans are snobs, but still we used to see terrible stuff occasionally, sometimes funny, sometimes downright disgusting. Enough to turn me off GAA games and its supporters for life!
Well I’ve honestly never seen that or anything happen at a Gaa game that wouldn’t be present in all sports. Most games are community based, and full of good spirit.. on the contrary tarring everyone with the same brush is exactly what you’re doing you said you’d prefer for everyone in the stadium to be swallowed up.you contradicted yourself in the same comment “enough to turn me off Gaa supporters for life” I’m still surprised you don’t get the irony in the term “irish rednecks” but I suppose that’s besides the point really.
You cant expect tolerance and diversity when you’ve just written off an entire supermarket because one carton of milk was sour..
@Monkable P… No soup for you!
Loved it all but Mick Wallace. Don’t want to see that tax evader ever connected to Wexford. ever again pink shirt or not. Let’s just celebrate our sporting history and not our cute hoor politicians.
Shut up
This is the best read ever produced by the score or the journal.thank you