
Weight Loss

All time
8 New Year's resolutions and 6 tips on sticking to them
Brazil's Ronaldo loses 17 kilos in reality show
9 dieting gimmicks you should stop wasting money on
20 'superfoods' that everyone went bonkers over
Clinics told to stop advertising 'weight loss' fertility drug
Column: Ireland needs to ditch dieting because it isn't working. Here's why.
Deirdre Cowman
Pharmacists dispute health warnings over meal replacement products
TD calls for debate on blocking eating disorder websites
Dieticians revise calorie calculations: it's now twice as tough to lose weight
Sitdown Sunday: 7 deadly reads
Michael Freeman
Consumers warned against buying illegal diet pills online
Singer Jennifer Hudson to open weight loss centre
Dieting forces the brain to eat itself - report
Death-warning drug was never licensed in Ireland
Lose two stone in 10 weeks: just eat sweets
Junkfood diet could lead to weight loss, says professor
Is it really that easy? Drinking water before meals helps you lose weight