Scoring a deflected goal in ice hockey can be a serious business: just ask Mathieu Perreault of the Washington Capitals.
10.15am, 27 Feb 2012
A POORLY REGULATED space crowded with enforcers, razor sharp blades and whirling sticks, an NFL ice rink is not for the faint of heart.
It takes something special, then, to force a league veteran to the ground. Something like… a puck rebounding off his face with sufficient velocity as to take a nearby goaltender completely by surprise.
WATCH: NHL player scores goal with his face
A POORLY REGULATED space crowded with enforcers, razor sharp blades and whirling sticks, an NFL ice rink is not for the faint of heart.
It takes something special, then, to force a league veteran to the ground. Something like… a puck rebounding off his face with sufficient velocity as to take a nearby goaltender completely by surprise.
In a word: BLARGH!
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The Morning Score: Monday
Ice Hockey Matthieu Perreault NHL Ottawa Senators Pucking hell Washington Capitals