YouTube Credit: WillemTait
THOSE SCOTTISH BOYOS sure know how to celebrate — not by throwing a party into the wee hours but by headbutting each other and drawing blood.
Following their famous upset in 2009, the Scots made it back-to-back wins against Australia with a 9-6 win in Newcastle this morning.
Out-half Greig Laidlaw was the hero, slotting his third penalty with the clock in the red after Mike Harris had kicked two of his own.
But Joe Ansbro and Alasdair Strokosch got a little bit carried away in the celebrations that followed, mistiming their jump into the celebratory huddle and coming away with a nasty head gash for their troubles.
I assume there will be comments on even this post about Liverpool win from that Nice Guy or that David Shepard fella. They have destroyed the comment sections for football with their childish behaviour. Sad people
@John Moloney: you can mute them you know
@Cathal Scully: please don’t get smart as there is no need. I want to see them banned off this, remove their ability to comment
@John Moloney: Get a life muted
@NICE GUY: Ah yes there is he is, the parasite of this app. a parasite with sunglasses
@John Moloney: You really are discusting guy get a life
@NICE GUY: take off the sunglasses and delete this app you rotten man
@John Moloney: Wow you really are a little man grow up
@John Moloney: Omg
@Sean: please Sean just a bit of banter, you know the craic yourself
@John Moloney: But you cant take it
@Sean: I can now go away
@Cathal Scully: mute not working lol.tired 3 times