AND THIS IS why we love sport.
On Saturday, 17-year-old Meghan Vogel made headlines in America after she stopped to help a struggling competitor across the finish line at a high-school meet in Colombus, Ohio.
Vogel, from West Liberty Salem High School, had earlier won gold in the shorter 1,600m race but found herself in last place as she neared the end of 3,200m.
As she caught up with 16-year-old Arden McMath of Arlington High, Vogel realised that McMath’s legs had buckled and that she was in danger of collapsing.
Rather than continuing on to avoid a last-place finish herself, Vogel stopped and carried the lifeless McMath to the end, pushing her across the finish line first before crossing herself.
“It’s an honor and very humbling,” Vogel — whose Twitter bio simply reads “Running is Life” — told the AP after receiving congratulations since the story spread around the world.
I just thought I was doing the right thing, and I think others would have done the same.
“I really don’t think just everyone would have done that,” McMath told the AP. “I just couldn’t believe what she did — especially pushing me in front of her — and I’m so grateful.”
Here’s the video of Vogel and McMath crossing the line together:
YouTube Credit: hbumbalo
And here’s Vogel’s earlier victory in the 1,600m:
YouTube Credit: hbumbalo
I assume there will be comments on even this post about Liverpool win from that Nice Guy or that David Shepard fella. They have destroyed the comment sections for football with their childish behaviour. Sad people
@John Moloney: you can mute them you know
@Cathal Scully: please don’t get smart as there is no need. I want to see them banned off this, remove their ability to comment
@John Moloney: Get a life muted
@NICE GUY: Ah yes there is he is, the parasite of this app. a parasite with sunglasses
@John Moloney: You really are discusting guy get a life
@NICE GUY: take off the sunglasses and delete this app you rotten man
@John Moloney: Wow you really are a little man grow up
@John Moloney: Omg
@Sean: please Sean just a bit of banter, you know the craic yourself
@John Moloney: But you cant take it
@Sean: I can now go away
@Cathal Scully: mute not working lol.tired 3 times