THANKS TO DAN Kerins, who captured this excellent footage of the atmosphere in Gdansk’s PGE Arena last night.
Ireland may have been hammered 4-0 by the reigning world and European champions Spain but their fans have been widely praised for the reception they gave both teams during and after the game.
YouTube credit: dankerins
Cue derogatory comment from Paula Brennan about alcoholics and lost sovereignty.
I just got goosebumps!
Me too
Me too. The team let us down our fans won millions of hearts around the world. If respect was a sport we would be world champions.
I got a horn!
15000 irish men and women paid alot of money to go over to poland and support the boys in green bloody sure there going to sing there hearts out the team gave them nothing back…!!its alot better to see than the polish and russians kicking lumps out of each other
I was literally about to post the same comment. these people have obviously spent a lot of money. Football is not a life and death matter. it is played for the fans and for enjoyment.
This video is going viral at the moment. Heard the French and German broadcasts stayed silent while the fans sung. See the country ain’t all bad, we got the best foundations and thats us. This will have a welcome boost to tourism.
indeed derek, we’re more than just a bleedin’ economy.
Fair play to the fans. But this country needs a lift and it should be the team doing it! Roy Keane is right, the team didn’t try hard enough. The team should have the same pride and resolve and drive as the fans. Well done the fans though!
Clearly a footballing genius.
You are complaining that Ireland didn’t win the formula 1 race in spite of only having a tractor to race with. And the driver is to blame because he didn’t hold the steering wheel tightly enough.
The answer here is to send the 30,000 Irish fans to next years Eurovision. Certain to win.
I would be singing go home you useless shites
Why don’t u shut ur mouth
Thomas McGrory
Will I tell you a story?
About Thomas McGrory
Will I begin it?
That’s all is in it :) :) :)
I suppose it would be better to rip up the stadium and the streets of Gdansk? Oh yeah and cause riots? And have the worlds media see us as sore losers and thugs? I for one was extremely proud of the fans who represented our country so magnificently even if the team wasn’t up to much so shut the hell up you and all the other muppets with your negative shite. Those fans did us proud.
Yea cop on people your not there to support yourselves, its suppose to be about the supporting the team and they don’t deserve that at the moment. Singing is great but not when you have been trashed 4-0 , theres a time and a place for that I’d love to see those people and more singing like that outside the Dail and other Goverment buildings.
Our supporters are out there proudly representing their country and they’re doing a fantastic job.
Its not right for you to belittle those who are keeping their chin up!
Why don’t you go sing outside the Dail instead of others to do it… Plastic fan
you’d do better?
its all endas fault!!
sing when you’re losing…. sums up the people of Ireland. enjoying being lashed for the last 1000 years. but we love to get drunk. what a wonderful cultural trait.
@Condon. I bet u are a plastic fan.. Support the team when there winning but when the loose get on there back
I’d say you’d be great craic in the pub
Plastic fan? I doubt it. People like him are fans of nothing but their own misery. They spend their lives wallowing in a pool of their own begrudgery and trying to drag others down. Everyone loves to get drunk now and again David and some people react very badly with drink others are a credit. Either way I didn’t see to many drunks in the crowd singing for Ireland last night. Maybe we should ship out a load of people like you for the Italy match. Instead of uplifting signing echoing around the stadium it’ll be a high pitched drone of 30,000 moaners
@condon – and we’ve obviously got our share of shitehawks and you’re a testament to that. Well done, you.
Not everybody in Ireland is a drinker..I for one am not..And I took great pride in OUR country for not being sore loosers.. COYBIG….
It might serve you better to enjoy a drink once in a while Mr. Condom
Irish Lose and are humiliated: get drunk, sing and celebrate
Irish declared bankrupt: Get drunk and celebrate
Little simple minded obedient slaves to everyone, even in sport
Bloody clowns, so embarrassing.
You forgot to mention the sovereignty bit Paula!
If the object of sport is to lift our spirits then us Irish are world champions. This performance by the Irish fans is right up there with the silence that roared around Croke park when God save the queen was played before the English rugby game. I am deeply proud to be Irish and I truly believe we are an amazing race of people with unbeatable spirits. The meaning of one of our favouritism anthems ‘you’ll never beat the Irish’ was never better defined than last night. If people outside our little shores didn’t understand what we meant, surely they can have no doubt about its meaning now. You’ll never beat the Irish.
dutch fans booed their own team off the pitch when 1-0 down to germany the other nite,our fans sang to the death when 4-0 down…best in the world
No-one will ever stop the irish from having a good time, win or lose. The Irish invented partying, and not all the miserable begrudging cork whingers like roy ‘attention-junkie’ keane will stop that. well done the fans. a credit to the team and the nation.
You’ll never beat the Irish ….. At singing anyway ,well done to the supporters ,you all stood up and the world took notice of how good our fans are.
You are the one who’s deluded. Football is sport. SPORT! which should be enjoyed win loose or draw. The whole world is complementing IRELAND fans on their sporting behaviour. Lighten up mate, There’s a happy world outside
If your going to troll, try to at least say something witty and with a spark of intelligence.
If you’re going make an assertion about someone’s intelligence, try to use proper grammar. It’s ‘you’re’, not ‘your’. You did make me laugh though so full marks for wit.
Sorry your attempt at being pedantic failed. Majority rule by red thumb – your an idiot.
I hope it’s a long time before I sing that famine song again.
I think the lyrics “you’ll never beat the irish” are meant to show you’ll never kill our spirit, not meant literally. This gave me goosebumps last night and made me proud. All the thumbs down for the positive comments about this story show who the real plastic paddy’s are! #COYBIG
I wonder what quotient of thejournal commenters fall under the category of “moody bollix”.
High methinks.. conflict is easier on a keypad than in real life, and bless ‘em they need something, don’t they?
I think there should be a civic reception for the fans when they come home.
That was just awesome. Fields of Athenry made most Polish press and Internet news and now people know what this song is all about everyone is extremely positive about Irish and people say you showed so much proud and dignity thousands of respectful comments in Internet towards you fair play. Also don’t know if anybody noticed but Irish fans sang during game “Polska Bia?o Czerwoni.” That means in polish “Poland white and red” – standard polish fans song. That’s class – thank you :-)
For the love of god all the Irish fans are completely deluded! We just looked liked a bunch of muppets singing a song for a utter shite team! That Irish team should have been booed of the pitch! The fans need to swallow their pride and cop on, once again the focus is on how great the fans are and not on how shit ireland was. Euro 2012 is about football not how feckin good fans are!
WOW…. . Its about football not good fans… brilliantly said.
So we should have got booed off because the best national team to play the game EVER beat us… Some people haven’t a clue.
Support the effort the players put in you tit. It might not be great but that’s the best the players can do. We are not world beaters.
Every single country in world would be sad that there team lost in any match. they would trumble out of the grounds of any sporting arena and would be down heartened. They would not be able to muster up the emotion of joy to sing and party. The Irish mentality on the other hand is to party and sing and carry on as if nothing has happened. W e lost, who cares, we hand over country to the Europe bigwigs, who cares, we pay the Banks debt, who cares. We’re Irish lets drink and sing. We know what it is like to lose but we dont care we’re Irish. Lets party.
You’ll never beat the Irish..!!!! What are you talking about..?!?!?!!? Irish Delusion holds no bounds.
Couldn’t have said it better myself David!
They were singing a ballad not some party song,it sounded downhearted to me and all the interviews i seen with the fans after the match were far from delusional.
really? I love the people saying the fans are an embarrassment. we are so embarrassing that people in Spain, France, Italy and Poland, among others, have been praising the Irish supporters. get off your high horse, it’s a game.
Well said David !
I’d rather be singing drunks when losing than be rowdy ones
Paula Brennan is a cnut
Irish fans are amazing… Head high always, thats what I so admire about Ireland and love it for <3
The other video that was @ 100,000 hits on youtube was taken down. Pity. Here’s a link to the only copy I can find still available on the Internet .
We are a sad bunch alright. Celebrating hard luck and good effort is ok but celebrating mediocrity and failure like we did last night with that singing confirms it for me.
Who was celebrating? It was a lament. And a much more creative response to being beaten than just walking away crestfallen. At least international fans and media were impressed, even if some Irish people on this forum don’t understand their own race enough to see the beauty of what happened last night.
World’s Media… ahhhhhhhhh look at the Irish supporters singing together..! Why are they singing so heartily, did they win something.??>!? No Hans they lost and they were 1st to be knocked out of the tournament.. mmmh ok so why are they singing>? ehhhm because the Irish like to drink n partty n have good time… ok.
Right lets invade that country they seem really thick.
Or maybe they are singing to show their support for their team. Did ya ever think of that.
Ray whats your excuse for Croatia? Your the one who doesn’t have a clue, making excuses for a team like that, go away look at the goals we conceded and our defense and then come back to me! Even trap was critical of his players. Jump of the bandwagon!
So what 30 thousand more Irish fans spent shitloads of money to travel to poland and ukraine to sing the best rendition of the fields of athenry? Bullshit they went to see their country play football which Ireland didn’t do, yea I agree the fans are amazing but for gods sake that team didn’t deserve that response, let’s just praise them for being an embarrassment in the euros.
Croatia are 7th in the world. They are way better than us. We are just an average team who hope to do well. If my child or ur child grow up to be average at something does that mean we should boo them.
To all Irishmen, especially those, which have provided this absolutely wonderful moment at the end of the match.
If you like to really enjoy this moment again without any comment of a moderator, have a look here:
This is the best recording, which I have found in the net.
Many, many, many thanks to all the irish fans.
With honor and respect
best regards from germany
Gerhard and Jutta Weyers
You can’t argue a point with an idiot!!! Nuff said
That’s my bloody point ray FFS lol support of what???????
Wow. It’s awesome!