HIS LAST FIGHT may not have gone his way but tomorrow night Conor McGregor makes his return to the discipline he knows best – looking to reclaim his UFC lightweight title from Khabib Nurmagomedov.
Our man on the ground, Gavan Casey, joined Ryan Bailey from Vegas to give us the latest news from those involved in UFC 229.
I’m here in Vegas for the fight.what a mad place.
@dick dastardly: enjoy it dude, was chatting a few guys on a plane who were coming back from the Aldo fight back in Dec ’15 and they were just blown away by the whole thing.
@dick dastardly: was at the Mendes and Aldo fights…some of the best times of my life! Enjoy :)
Wait a minute….where are all the haters? They are hardly all out of hate??? Best of luck tomorrow champ champ!
@Sledro: tis the weekend, they prob go bout their business, come Monday they’ll be cry holing again. Win or lose. Here’s for a win!!!
@Sledro: did you know that you can get an official private belt after every defence? best of luck to him (even though his record will more than likely be 2-3 in the last 3 years on Sunday), but carrying around two old belts is fairly cringy, as by the same logic, aldo could carry ten belts to the ring – even alverez could bring 4!
@Gulliver Foyle: did you know that doing a quick google is not always enough to find the correct answer and, to the best of my knowledge, you are completely incorrect with your belt “logic”?
You get to the keep the belt, no defense necessary.
154.5 ! That’s what’s going down
@Zossima: at least it’s going ahead, 1am is a bit late for the ceremonial weigh-ins for me. Catch it in the morning and get ready for the fight tomorrow night.