
Want to work your core? Here are 6 great TRX exercises to do the job

Simple but effective.

THIS TRX SESSION involves three exercises but one variation of each. Itโ€™s quite straight forward in that regard, but anything but in its execution.

The exercises are the plank, side plank and pike. Hereโ€™s how the session goesโ€ฆ

#1 โ€“ Plank

Lying face down on an exercise mat, hook your feet into the cradles and have them suspended 8-10 inches off the floor.

Extend your body into a push-up position but rest on your forearms.

Contract your core and glutes. Focus on keeping your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles in a straight line.

Do NOT drop your hips.

Only do whatโ€™s comfortable for you. As soon as you begin to sag, stop.

#2 โ€“ Side plank

This time, lie on your side with your feet in the foot cradles with the heel of one foot touching the toes of the other foot.

Resting on your elbow, contract your core and glutes to lift your hips up, keeping your shoulder directly above the elbow.

Hold for 30 seconds and slowly lower your hips to the ground and return to the starting position, only on the other side this time. Repeat three times either side.

#3 โ€“ Pike

Hook your feet into the cradles at the bottom of the straps. Get into a strong, straight plank position (straight line from ankles through knees, hips and shoulders), resting on your forearms again. Donโ€™t let those hips drop at any point.

Keeping your legs extended and your core tight, raise your bum towards the ceiling and bring your feet in towards the centre. Try and keep the movement controlled all the way until your bum reaches its highest point. Resist the urge to bend the knees.

Return to the starting position, nice and slowly. Try three sets of eight for starters and as the weeks progress, push for 12, 15 and even 20.

#4 โ€“ Plank while arms extended and legs spread

This time, instead of resting on your forearms, you extend your elbows. Also, instead of keeping your feet close together, spread them as widely as you can and bring them close together again in a controlled movement lasting 30 seconds.

#5 โ€“ Side plank with dips

Resting on your forearm get back into that side plank position only this time, for the 30 seconds on either side, youโ€™re going to lift and drop those hips while keeping your body long and strong. The really targets your obliques.

#6 โ€“ Pike with arms extended

Again, itโ€™s merely a more difficult version of the original movement. Instead of starting by resting on your forearms, you start with your arms extended.

The action is the very same, only more difficult. As well as really targeting your core muscles, itโ€™s a great one for the arms as well.

Guaranteed to leave you reeling!

Originally published at 10.24

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