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17 tweets that perfectly explain naggins to the rest of the world
Beware: This scam email is being sent to Electric Ireland customers
This comedian made a 'booze suit' to sneak alcohol on a boat
Bundesliga goalkeeper successfully sabotages penalty kick with sneaky antics
Drug smugglers hide cocaine in 1,000 bags of rice for the poor
US politicians may be unknowingly using paper with the names of dead Iraqi civilians on it
Irish scientists find vultures to be a very crafty bunch
Free under 6s GP care dubbed 'trojan horse' to change doctor conditions
VIDEO: Aaron Craft plays a cheeky inbound pass off unaware opponent's backside
12 of the best sporting 'cheats'... not that we condone that sort of stuff
Texan snake discovered at St James's Gate
Duffy: "There was nothing sneaky or dishonest about the way that the GAA dealt with this matter."