IRELAND’S RICHAEL TIMOTHY has narrowly lost out on a chance to compete for a medal in the C1-3 3000m Individual Pursuit Qualifying race, falling outside the medal places.
A two-time world Championship bronze medallist in the scratch race, Timothy clocked a time of 4:05.247 which left her ranked seventh overall.
China’s Wang Xiaomei registered a C3 World Record in 3:44.660, while Great Britain’s Daphne Schrager did likewise in the C2 classification, lowering her own record to 3:45.133.
Wang and Schrager will return to the velodrome later this afternoon to go head-to-head in the gold medal race.
Maike Hausberger of Germany (3:49.444) and Switzerland’s Flurina Rigling (3:50.347) qualified for the bronze final.
Just learn some Spanish Gareth and keep scoring goals , if you stay fair play to ya , and if you go your price will go back up
@Limón Madrugada: it may be that he knows alot but is embarrassed to speak it for whatever reason and so people think hes thick
@Norman Cult: no , he doesn’t understand basic conversation , it’s on video . And they weren’t Spanish natives speaking either so it’s slower , less tricky . He’s been there 6 years .. his kids must speak it ffs . Spanish isn’t difficult to learn the basics , McManaman spoke really good Spanish after less than 2 years. Eastern Europeans pick it up in weeks . Rakitic grew up in Germany , is Croatian , and speaks Spanish almost like a native .. The press conference seems to have gone really well , it makes you wonder why he doesn’t do more .
@Limón Madrugada: agreed. It’s farcical and plain rude.