
Revenue Commissioners

All time
'Sex aids' being imported to Ireland in 1992 had officials abuzz with questions
Internal recruitment drive underway in Customs for patrol boats as figures show cost of service
Customs service to spend €20 million on new boats to help tackle drug trade
An Garda Síochána pays Revenue €270,000 to settle VAT bill for Templemore restaurant and shop
Explainer: Preliminary 2020 tax bills are now available to all PAYE workers — but how does it all work?
If you received a Covid wage support in 2020, you'll find out today how much income tax you owe
Received the PUP or the Covid wage subsidy? Next week, you'll find out what income tax you owe
Gardaí to increase border county presence as Brexit transition period comes to a halt
US drug company Perrigo fails in High Court bid to overturn €1.64 billion Irish tax demand
Received the PUP or Covid wage subsidy? Here's how you can pay back your income tax
How will the government's 'Stay and Spend' scheme work and how can you claim your tax credits?
The Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme ends next week — so when will you have to pay back all that income tax?
Government u-turns on exclusion of proprietary directors from wage subsidy scheme
Explainer: Why there's likely to be a lot of liquidations and corporate insolvencies in the near future
Revenue warned government to urgently close loophole allowing businesses double claim tax relief
Cork City confirm settlement with Revenue Commissioners
CAB seize financial documents in Galway search
Revenue worker who was fired after being caught 'red handed' selling contraband cigarettes loses appeal against dismissal
Revenue reviewed Top 100 Rich List ahead of decision to increase focus on wealthy individuals' tax affairs
Cannabis worth €240,000 seized following search of property in west Dublin
High Court Master says case could be taken against Ireland over special tax treatment given to vulture funds
Revenue not planning for customs posts but says it is ready for no-deal Brexit
Government now monitoring tax affairs of medium-sized corporations and certain 'high wealth individuals'
NCT contract worth €650 million up for grabs for ten years to 2030
Ship seized over tobacco smuggling has cost State €410,000 because Revenue can't dispose of it
Revenue has scrapped its LoCall system in favour of landlines to reduce costs for mobile customers
Sangria smuggled in boxes labelled 'orange juice' seized alongside 15kg of tobacco
Companies linked to Denis Desmond and Mario Rosenstock fined over incorrect tax declarations
Criminal Assets Bureau seize car and mobile phones following search of Sligo property
Calls for Revenue to scrap 1890 number as some mobile networks charging 'out of bundle' prices
Man facing drug charges takes Revenue to court to try and get his hire-purchase truck back
Revenue threatens to dock public servant's pay over a property they'd never heard of
No plans to legislate against loophole that allowed 200 people to try avoid paying €500 million in tax
Revenue warns of new scam that claims taxpayers are due a tax refund
Sinéad O'Connor on tax defaulters list over €160k settlement
Three biscuit tins full of cocaine were found by customs at Dublin Airport
Here's how much it would cost to get rid of the USC for incomes under €80,000
Revenue taking money from people who have undervalued their homes
Airbnb meets hosts after telling the tax man about them
Man arrested off Faro flight after cocaine found in suitcase at Cork Airport