THE VIEWING FIGURES for Sky Sports’ live GAA broadcasts may be low but the coverage across the water has netted a significant new fan for hurling — with Queen Elizabeth admitting she is enjoying the game.
GAA president Liam O’Neill said he was shocked when the queen told him she had watched hurling and had been impressed by it.
O’Neill was invited to dine at the British royal’s table when she visited City Hall in Belfast last week. And the Queen stunned O’Neill when she engaged in conversation and disclosed that she was impressed by the hurling match.
O’Neill is not sure whether it was the Kilkenny-Offaly match or the clash of Dublin and Wexford which she viewed on Sky Sports, but he said it was a remarkable example of just how far Gaelic games can spread as a result of the coverage by Sky.
“I was privileged to sit a table for lunch with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of England last week — we had met before in Croke Park when she had visited — and we touched the topic of hurling and she said yes, she seen it.
“She saw it on television on Sky, she said ‘I’m not quite sure how I got it’ but she said it was wonderful. She made a side-to-side motion with her head saying it was very fast and it was a wonderful game.
“I’m not sure whether it was Offaly v Kilkenny or Wexford v Dublin, we didn’t go into detail on that because you can only engage her for a certain amount of time in a group of nine but the fact of the matter is that she says she saw it and I just think it’s interesting that she did. I know she’s only one person but it’s interesting she was there, she was engaged by it and she said it was a wonderful game,” said O’Neill.
The GAA president said he was not perturbed by the low viewing figures in this country for Sky’s coverage which had been reported and he insisted it did not give the full picture.
“It doesn’t take in account the people looking at it in HD, I think it doesn’t take into account the people in the pubs where they have Sky Sports.
“We were never that worried about the people in Ireland watching the game on Sky. It was for Britain we did the Sky deal effectively and the numbers there are standing up very well. We seen their Twitter reaction to it and we are getting anecdotal evidence from our clubs in Britain that it’s proving a huge success because they are now able to show, the parents of young people are trying to engage in schools, that this is the game and this is what it looks like.
“The deal has been done and I think the reaction to it, initially, some people spoke against it. The majority of people realise it’s for the good of Gaelic games and it will publicise our games,” added the GAA president, who was speaking in Galway where he launched the 100,000 Steps for Cormac, a charity event which will take place next month.
The walk, organised by former Galway All-Ireland winning captain Joe Connolly, aims to raise €100,000 for Pieta House, the centre for the prevention of suicide and self-harm.
The walk, which will involve GAA personalities from all over the country, is to commemorate his nephew Cormac Connolly, who died of an inoperable brain tumour three years ago at the age of 24.
Or maybe all the cultural cringers could accept this at face value. The Queen liked watching hurling.
End of. It does not represent anything more than normalized human interaction.
Totally agree. It seems to me that she is looking at Ireland as she would any other country with its own unique culture and heritage and is engaging with it. More than can be said for some that actually live on this island.
In fairness she likes everything and says great things about everything.
It is her job.
We have no idea what she really thinks about anything.
Sadly I think neither has she. Just imagine what it must be like to be brought up in that bubble, having to bow to your parents, arrange an appointment to see your own mother, every word you use monitored and planned.
Is it any wonder so many in that family are drinkers and their marriages break down so much.
No I’d say she did actually enjoy the hurling Seanie. Of course neither of us knows for sure but why is it so difficult to accept she said it because she meant it ?
The Queen is afraid of her life that the immigrant Irish will get sick of pomp and ceremony that’s all !
“Let’s fool Paddy again !”
He police arrested a couple of lads coming home from a hurling match in London and charged them with carrying an offensive weapon …. loves hurling ? Yeah right !
Yawn. Happy you got that off your chest now?
Yawn. Happy you asked that question now?
There is a new throne in Clare ; An Ash throne.
It seems na Fianna are rising .
We are amused ..
Do you know what I was thinking ; Imagine if the Queen was an avid blogger ; I think I will call Richie Rodgers Lizzie the next time he annoys me !
Seanie’s comment is cool – above !
Did you ever play hurling Ed just as a matter of interest …..have you ever felt the magic coursing through you veins ?
The queen’s sister in law was a very kind lady !
Would love to know what racist but utterly hilarious thoughts are going through auld Phil’s mind in that picture.
@silent..”reminds one of the thrashings at Reminsdorf…one always enjoyed a touch of the Ash…” maybe? :-p
If if he was thinking from his own ethnicity, the probably something against the Turks.
In fairness for all his “Phil the Greek” moniker him and his family are about as Greek as bratwurst, very simply a German royal family parachuted in following independence in the 19th century.
Ya that’s why the Greeks got rid of them
Phil the Greek, it is a catchy nickname.
They could have easily pointed out his relation to his wife’s family even before marriage.
That woman’s adorable. Not sure about Charles and his talking to plants and running his mouth in public but the Queen’s great.
Thanks for the seal of approval Mrs Windsor, can we rejoin your wonderful commonwealth? please your grace, we are very good at obedience now.
Richie, joking aside since 1949 the Commonwealth of Nations allows republics and independent countries to be members. 32 member states are republics such as India, Pakistan and South Africa with the free association of independent members. There is no reason why Ireland shouldn’t be a member. Even De Valera stated Ireland should rejoin back in the 50s. There is nothing that conflict with republican ideals and a third of the world’s population live in member states.
Jasis we’re gone very pro royal family in this country in the last few years.
You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.
No surprise there! A good game of hurling is the best sport on earth both to watch and to play. Welcome on board Lizzy!
What if she did not approve of it?
Off with their heads
She will “Sliotar” throats!
Isn’t that great, to get the royal seal of approval.
Maybe they should get her to throw in the sliothar at the 2016 all Ireland in Croker, just for old times sake.
That was sarcasm by the way
No $hit
That’s a brilliant idea!
I can just see her hitting the ball and the corgis running after it.
Would recommend the Tipp v Galway match on Sat to one, it’s on Sky, so one will have no problem tuning in.
Wouldn’t recommend a match with one of weaker developing counties, at the home of developing hurling.
Eoin we are not amused :)
that’s hurling talk Eoin ;
Hurl , Hurl, Hurl !
Speaking of Tipp. we weren’t long shoving John Tierney up the road outta Galway !
Slow news day huh?
It is really great that RTE are showing all games of the Football World Cup so we in Ireland can see a game invented in England.Maybe Michael D. could say he watched a few minutes and give his presidential seal of approval and all the British media could report on it.
It’s great to get some post colonial affirmation. The GAA should be very proud.
Was being sarcastic in my previous post.Think we should be proud and confident enough in our national games without having to report on the Queen liking the game.It was a private comment made by her and it shouldn’t have been put in the public domain to justify the GAA’s deal with Sky.Why do we always need this validation and endorsement when it comes to foreigners watching our indigenous games?
She wanted to watch King Henry.
I don’t mind sky sports adding to previously uncovered games but if a traditionally free to watch game requires sky sports sub then that’s just criminal and must be reversed.
Someone had a good point in that RTE are showing as many games as they did last year.
Lot of the Sky games were not shown last year.
Why are we sucking up to these overprivilaged bunch of parasites? Have we forgotten why men and women fought to get away from this rubbish.
This is not a news item. Like the royals it is a waste of space.
Do you mean the royal “we” Charlie ?
D’yis reckon she was slouched back on the couch, can on lager in hand, channel surfing when she came across it? “Phil, get in here and look at this stuff. One is getting quite excited about it. And bring one in another can, like a good fellow”
Isn’t she a gin hound?
How this made news is fairly pathetic. Anyone with half a brain and who enjoys sport will enjoy hurling !
That’s nice !
Mr O Neill was stunned and privileged to learn the Queen watched a hurling game and sat at the same table,really, but is it necessary for for the GAA to adopt a slobbering attutude,it always creeps me out and i doubt it empresses the royals either.
At least she knows what hurling is. Most of the world wouldn’t have a clue
Fu!k the thunder cun#
I wonder how many other personal friends of these parasites are pedophiles. A lot more important than there royal approval of hurling me thinks. PR bull anyway.
They have Queen Elizabeth but we have King Henry…….hon the cats
She said she ‘seen’ it?! She’s a wannabe Dub!
Queen Elizabeth loves hurling so much she has ordered one of these #ThroneofGAAmes
After reading this I think I’m gonna hurl.
All very well ’til you get a belt of one!