

Last year
Middle-class people are more prejudiced towards Travellers than working class, study finds
All time
Anger at French Open amid claim female players treated like 'second class citizens'
'We live in a world where there are a lot of sad and angry people' - The challenges of being a female pundit
Race, religion and prejudice: The issues raised at Ireland’s first FGM trial
Disability: 'Are one in four people that I meet uncomfortable talking to me?'
Keith Hayes
President Higgins: "We must share vigilance of not letting anti-Semitism spread again"
Michael D. Higgins
Calls for Ireland to legislate against online hate crime
Shatter: 'Immigrants have had a transformative impact on Irish society, for the better'
Children were the victims in a quarter of all 2014 racist incidents reported so far
Column: Ireland’s child protection policy seems guided by medieval fairy tales
Killian Forde
Column: Just words? Anti-Roma and Traveller rhetoric has serious consequences
Martin Collins
Discrimination experienced by 79 per cent of people with depression
Michael D Higgins hits out at racism and homophobia
Common heart disease drug could 'combat racism'
Debate on Islam in France ignites controversy
Anti-Islam Dutch politician stands trial for incitement to hatred
Prejudice against Muslims is seen as normal, says senior Tory