Brent Lillibridge is congratulated by Alex Rios -- probably because he has a really cool alter-ego. AP Photo/Genevieve Ross
Who Am I?
'Phone call for Bart Simpson': The Chicago White Sox explain their multiple identities
Why have one name when you can have two?
6.44pm, 10 Aug 2011
CHECK THE GUEST list at some of America’s top hotels closely and you might just find Bart Simpson rooming with Robert E. Lee, with Napoleon Dynamite and Hannibal Lecter staying a couple of doors down.
This is not some new underground phenomenon. No, it’s just another standard night when the Chicago White Sox are in town.
CSNChicago’s Chuck Garfien writes that one of baseball’s most famous franchises have developed an elaborate system of aliases and alternate personalities in an attempt to protect their privacy on the road.
Tired of getting late-night phone calls from fans of their own team and of the opposition, an estimated 90% of the White Sox players have now picked out at least one alter-ego, usually inspired by someone from the world of film, television, music, or politics.
What’s more, the players are so secretive about their identities that some of their own team-mates don’t even know who is who, which surely leads to some interesting conversations with hotel receptionists around the country.
'Phone call for Bart Simpson': The Chicago White Sox explain their multiple identities
CHECK THE GUEST list at some of America’s top hotels closely and you might just find Bart Simpson rooming with Robert E. Lee, with Napoleon Dynamite and Hannibal Lecter staying a couple of doors down.
This is not some new underground phenomenon. No, it’s just another standard night when the Chicago White Sox are in town.
CSNChicago’s Chuck Garfien writes that one of baseball’s most famous franchises have developed an elaborate system of aliases and alternate personalities in an attempt to protect their privacy on the road.
Tired of getting late-night phone calls from fans of their own team and of the opposition, an estimated 90% of the White Sox players have now picked out at least one alter-ego, usually inspired by someone from the world of film, television, music, or politics.
What’s more, the players are so secretive about their identities that some of their own team-mates don’t even know who is who, which surely leads to some interesting conversations with hotel receptionists around the country.
Read more of Chuck Garfien’s article at >
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Aliases Alter-Egos Baseball Chicago White Sox Hidden Identities MLB