Title: Once In A Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos
Released: 2006
Tagline: The untold story of the team that had America on its feet.
Plot: The story behind the rise and fall of the New York Cosmos. The team captured the attention of America as Pele, Franz Beckenbauer and the charismatic Giorgio Chinagla starred on the pitch, and rubbed shoulders with the stars off it, in a fascinating snapshot of 1970s Manhattan.
Random YouTube comment: “one of the best football documentaries ever.” cooldeep4900
Sports Film of the Week: Once In A Lifetime (The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos)
Title: Once In A Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos
Released: 2006
Tagline: The untold story of the team that had America on its feet.
Plot: The story behind the rise and fall of the New York Cosmos. The team captured the attention of America as Pele, Franz Beckenbauer and the charismatic Giorgio Chinagla starred on the pitch, and rubbed shoulders with the stars off it, in a fascinating snapshot of 1970s Manhattan.
Random YouTube comment: “one of the best football documentaries ever.” cooldeep4900
Watch the whole film here
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9 of the best (and scariest) headshots from the Irish rugby provinces
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Franz Beckenbauer New York Cosmos Pele Reel stories