AND THEN THERE were four.
The contenders for the 2014 AIB All-Ireland senior hurling crown have been whittled down to four.
The provincial action for 2013 concluded yesterday with Mount Leinster Rangers stunning win in the Leinster final. They’ll now go forward to face Ulster champions Loughgiel Shamrocks next February.
While the other semi-final will see Limerick’s Na Piarsaigh and Galway’s Portumna opposing each other.
Portumna are three-time All-Ireland champions having won out in 2006, 2008 and 2009 while Loughgiel Shamrocks have two titles to their name from 1983 and 2012.
Both Na Piarsaigh and Mount Leinster Rangers are bidding to land their first title. But who do you think will now win it out? Let us know.
Some would say that’s the very definition of a perfect headline – get people interested enough to start to read the story. Some would say it’s the very definition of the worst type of clickbait. But either way, of approx 1300 views at the time I’m writing this, I’d say about 1290 were from people puzzled as to how ireland could lead the Six Nations after Scotland, and only about 10 were from people who either knew or cared that it referred to the women’s team instead.
I watched the women’s game the other night. I was very impressed with the skill levels, crisp passsing, great ruck technique and some good set plays. It was a good game to watch with a great crash centre move to steal the game. Stuff the usual moronic comments that will inevitably appear on here. I’m looking forward to the next match. Oh, and you might show the lads how to win a tight game.
Look. My comment is merely about the headline here. Not about the skill levels in the women’s game, or the ability to win a tight match, or anything else. No matter how big a supporter you might be of the women’s game, you still surely have to accept that there wouldn’t be nearly as many clicks if the headline specified ‘Women’s Six Nations’. That’s all I’m saying.
Hey Jumperoo, I didn’t actually respond to your comment and was making a general point. In fairness, anyone that clicked thinking the irish mens team could be top having lost would want to go back to bed. Anyhow we’re all Irish fans of all Irish teams. Roll on next weekend.
Ps. Gave you a little green thumb there so we don’t fall out!