DUBLIN POURED WATER last week on speculation that Liam Watson was on course for a switch to their hurling ranks.
But in Antrim they would be just happy to see him back in county colours this summer.
Eddie McCloskey is a teammate of Watson’s with Loughgiel Shamrocks and hopes to see him in action with him at county level as well this summer after the attacker has been in exile from the county scene of late.
“I would love to have him on the Antrim panel and I can’t see why if Dublin want him, why does Antrim not want him to play? I hope to God come the middle of the summer, he’s playing beside me for Antrim.
“Whenever I play with him it’s an honour with Loughgiel and even what he does at training reflects what he does on the big days. He leaves it all on the training pitch.
“I can’t really say much on the issue because I haven’t been talking to him. I’ve heard through the media and obviously it goes to show how good a hurler he is, if he’s going to be mentioned. It’s not very often that these situations happen in GAA, talk of transfers.”
It had lost its appeal to many match goers. With such a diversity of people living in England, it is a pity that it was felt needed to be done in the first place.
How about before every game in the World Cup
Good about time