LANCE ARMSTRONG, THE disgraced cyclist who lost seven Tour de France titles after admitting to doping, is not a fan of golf cheats.
In an interview with Golf Digest, Armstrong insisted golf was vastly different to cycling, and claimed that he would never contemplate cheating in the former.
He explained: “Golf is different from the culture of cycling when I was competing, and that’s putting it mildly. Cycling, it was the Wild West. Nobody considered doping cheating. It was an arms race where absolutely anything went, and it was every man for himself.
“You might consider me the last guy to have anything to say about cheating, but golf is different. I love adhering to a code of honor that we in cycling didn’t have. If I moved my ball in the rough and got caught, I wouldn’t just regret it, I’d be heartbroken forever. When I think about reform in cycling, I think about golf.”
It’s not going to happen for Spurs this season, in terms of a top4 finish. They were poor today (again) and realistically they have no chance with their 2 best players being out for the next 6-8 weeks.
In our hands now a bit of consistency needed to finish the season
Should’ve won by more yet again, but good performance, although spurs were awful again. If we do make top 4 we need massive investment for next season, decent gk, 2 fb, 1 cb, and 2 good forwards…
In our hands now a bit of consistency needed to finish the season