Grenfell Tower, west London. Alamy Stock Photo

Irish sponsorship deals under scrutiny after Kingspan criticised in Grenfell report

Ulster Rugby will let sponsorship run out while Cavan GAA and Shane Lowry representatives have made no response yet to media queries.

ULSTER RUGBY HAVE reiterated that their association with Kingspan is coming to an end in June 2025, while Cavan GAA and Shane Lowry’s representatives have yet to comment following a Grenfell Tower report which was critical of the Irish firm. 

Following the publication of the final report of the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower tragedy, in which 72 people were killed in a fire at the west London tower block in 2017, the relationship between some Irish sporting figures and organisations and Kingspan is under scrutiny.

The 1,700-page report said Kingspan “embarked on a dishonest scheme to mislead its customers and the wider market”.

The tower block was covered in combustible products because of the “systematic dishonesty” of firms who made and sold the cladding and insulation, inquiry chairman Martin Moore-Bick said.

He called out “deliberate and sustained” manipulation of fire-safety testing, misrepresentation of test data and misleading of the market.

Cladding firm Arconic and insulation firms Kingspan and Celotex faced particularly heavy criticism.

Arconic was found to have “deliberately concealed from the market the true extent of the danger” of using its cladding product, particularly on high-rise buildings.

Kingspan had, from 2005 and even after the inquiry began in the wake of the fire, “knowingly created a false market in insulation” for use on buildings over 18 metres, the report said.

In a statement today, Kingspan said it “extends our deepest sympathies to those impacted by the tragedy”.

Kingspan said the report “explains clearly and unambiguously that the type of insulation was immaterial”.

The first phase of the report found that the Grenfell Tower cladding did not comply with building regulations and that this was the “principal” reason for the fire’s rapid spread.

This cladding was not made by Kingspan.

Kingspan added that it “has long acknowledged the wholly unacceptable historical failings that occurred in part of our UK insulation business”.

“These were in no way reflective of how we conduct ourselves as a Group, then or now. While deeply regrettable, they were not found to be causative of the tragedy,” said Kingspan.

Ulster Rugby have held a long association with Kingspan going back to 1999, with the Ravenhill grounds named after the company.

However, it was announced in January by Kingspan that it would cease its sponsorship of Ulster Rugby. “20 years is a great innings and feels like a natural stepping off point,” said Kingspan at the time.

a-view-of-an-ulster-jersey-in-the-changing-rooms-ahead-of-the-game An Ulster Rugby jersey. Dan Sheridan / INPHO Dan Sheridan / INPHO / INPHO

Responding to questions from The, an Ulster Rugby spokesperson said: “We note the comments expressed by Sir Martin Moore-Bick in the Phase 2 report published today, along with its detailed findings. Our thoughts are with all those affected by the Grenfell Tower fire.

“As was announced at the beginning of the year, Kingspan’s sponsorship of Ulster Rugby will come to an end in June 2025, following an agreed 12-month transitionary period.”

In 2021, then UK housing minister Michael Gove sent a letter to Ulster Rugby, asking them to consider their ongoing relationship with Kingspan.

Cavan GAA also have a strong relationship with the company, who have their head office in Kingscourt.

In recent years they have grown closer, with the county grounds in Cavan town now officially known as Kingspan Breffni. GAA reporters have been reminded to use this exact term in match reports. 

ciaran-brady-at-the-final-whistle Cavan's relationship with Kingspan dates back to 1999. John McVitty / INPHO John McVitty / INPHO / INPHO

When contacted on Wednesday lunchtime, a Cavan county board official said there would be no statement forthcoming, or clarification of their position.

Efforts to contact Horizon Sports, who represent the interests of golfer Shane Lowry who wears the Kingspan logo on his golf shirts, received no response at the time of writing.

shane-lowry-on-the-18th-green The Kingspan logo on Shane Lowry's shirt sleeve. Ben Brady / INPHO Ben Brady / INPHO / INPHO

Some of the bereaved and survivors of the tragedy have called on Lowry and others to end their sponsorship arrangements with Kingspan.

His relationship with the company commenced one month before the fire.

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