IT’S A WELL-known historical fact that Cu Chulain lashed a sliotar down a hound’s throat just to stop its moaning about the price of admission to a typical King Conchobar feast.
On with the games!
The GAA winter is the season of mutters and moans, and this was made worse when The Lads Up In Croke Park foolishly rolled the All-Ireland finals back into August and found the newly-exposed September earth crawling with yet more potential sedition.
This year’s off-season was particularly interminable.
Player burnout! B championships! The fixtures are a farce! Football’s shite! Wait, this hand-pass rule is shite! Maybe the football wasn’t so shite after all! The Tipp hurlers won’t talk about Tipp, and they’re sponsored by a PR company! And the Derry hurlers won’t talk about…anything?
Then, arriving last to this festival of great injury and complaint, a story so quintessentially January that it sang false repentance for the excesses of Christmas while thinking about quitting the drink.
The GAA were hiking the price of match tickets.
If there is anything that sustains this nation’s ability to complain better than the GAA, it’s money.
As the poet Kavanagh (fittingly) complained, “money talks everywhere but only money seems to talk in Ireland.”
That we would all be presented with a legitimate January complaint that involved the GAA, money, the GAA’s attitude to money and the place of money in the GAA was an unforeseen chance for gluttony in otherwise arid times.
Call it Mardi Gaah.
Wandering blindly into this mass venting was poor Dick Clerkin, who somehow ended up spending a week as the lightning rod for a whole country’s anxieties and outrages about late-stage global Capitalism.
That he managed to do this while Bono was talking at the World Economic Forum in Davos is a feat of such dazzling perversity that it should be seen as an achievement and further proof that the GAA has already won whatever battle it is fighting.
Clerkin tweeted that anyone moaning about the price of tickets in the GAA should “jog on”, and then doubled down on his words with an appearance on OTBAM.
“Do people want the GAA to give them money at the gate? Would that make them happy?” asked Clerkin, presumably knowing that would indeed make a lot of people happy.
Later on, when talking about the ethics of charging children €90 a ticket for the All-Ireland finals, he – unbelievably – asked rhetorically, “What business does an eight-year-old have going to an All-Ireland final?”
Even the GAA agnostics couldn’t but be moved now: won’t somebody think of the children!?
This led to Clerkin clarifying his remarks on Twitter, saying that he only meant it from the point of view that the child would have been taking the place of some elderly, weather-beaten Gael who had presumably spent more than eight years pouring tea and pumping balls and had the decency to cling bitterly to a thwarted senior club career.
Clerkin also bemoaned his being portrayed as a “company man”, startled at being cast as if he had been “batting for the flippin Taliban!!”, in what is surely the first-ever juxtaposition of those two words.
His central point that everyone should pay to be entertained was ironically undermined by how entertaining his own argument proved to be.
By the time Allianz League Sunday rolled around on RTÉ, however, the time for talking was done.
The league highlights show is now afforded the capacious 9.30pm slot given to The Sunday Game, and this new format was determined to atone for the sins of the show’s previous, oft-feckless incarnation.
2019 League Sunday was determined to show as much action as possible and remember that the lower divisions do, in fact, exist (one edition of 2018 League Sunday didn’t even flash the Division Four football results on the bottom of the screen).
Joe Brolly was shown there’s a fastidious new sheriff in town, here on a mandate to restrict Joe’s laconic diagnoses of the world’s ills and relegate them to his newspaper columns.
His best efforts to complain about the experimental rules were given short shrift, told in no uncertain terms that “we don’t have time to get into the rules”, while there wasn’t a single mention of ticket prices, nor was there a discussion as to what thankless volunteering eight-year-olds should be doing to earn a seat in Croke Park.
When Gooch and Joe showered the attacking mark in praise, Joe went rooting around for a complaint by questioning the thought-process behind its implementation.
He was met with the strangest of things from the presenter’s chair: a challenge.
Joanne 1 ☂️ 0.
— Dick Clerkin (@dickclerkin8) January 28, 2019
Oiche Mhaith...
“Are you going to argue with every little thing I say, Joanne? It’s going to be a long year.”
Nowhere near as long as that winter.
But it’s finally over.
On with the games and their mad, gorgeous, abundant summer.
Unbearable, Jeff
Every time we turn on the television these days, it seems, there’s another Brit making a hames of some of the most basic facts about Ireland. We had hoped that sport would remain above wretched, irredeemable politics, but alas, we have been gravely let down.
On Soccer Saturday, Jeff Stelling was talking about Carlow’s Padraig Amond, whom he said “could have been a Gaelic footballer but he chose the round ball instead.”
Padraig Almond could have been a Gaelic Footballer but chose the round ball instead. Classic! @thejournal_ie @GalwayUnitedFC @The42_ie
— Nial O'Reilly (@121coach) January 26, 2019
You may remember that Stelling took the place of some elderly, weather-beaten Gael at the 2017 All-Ireland football final on a junket with AIB.
He and Chris Kamara were given a commentary seat for one of the greatest games of the modern era after a jaunt around Ireland in which they learned just how deeply these games are embedded within us, having many unforgettable experiences on the way.
To pluck one example from the series, here’s Jeff reflecting in episode 4 on what the GAA is all about.
“Dad, couple of sons, grandchildren…it’s a proper family occasion, isn’t it?”, Jeff told…Dick Clerkin.
Good woman Joanne. About time he was challenged. Just disappointed there wasnt a clear out of the 70s and 80s pundits. Time for change and there are some great relevant ones out there.
@Phil O’Donnell: joe brolly played in the 90s cooper in 2016 Anthony Daly played in late 90s and manages at a high level still and Waterford man (name has escaped me) played up to 00s and managed at county level till last year. Not good enough to do analysis for you or are you just whining for the sake of it
@Eamonn O Connell: Not whining just giving an opinion…..I would like to see some new analysts. It is a bit jaded at this stage and younger viewer are tired of listening to the same old stories
@Phil O’Donnell: the soccer panels were the same, didn’t change for years. A job as a pundit in RTE is a job for life it seems.
@Phil O’Donnell: tired or bored !!!
@Eamonn O Connell: Derek mcgrath
a top analyst is Joe says it as it is.
@paul dunne: I cant stand listening to his whining voice. He normally throws in something controversial when he feels he is not getting everybody’s attention.
How come we only saw two of Monaghan’s scores in the first half and all of Dublins? I think there should be two nights set aside for gaa matches. Sunday night for division one in hurling and football and Wednesday night for the other two divisions. Sure on Sunday nights we only get a snatch of the match’s. I think Joe Brolly is good and should be left alone.
@Bill Carthy: RTE are not going to send cameras to games in div 3 or 4. Not. A. Hope.
@Kazoochka: perhaps. But each county has at least one camera man shorting the game. Can a round up of ALL games not be comprised for a Wednesday evening for the people who would like to see other teams in their division. Not spying now mind
I’m gonna start a weekly blog where I analyse the 42s analysis of the Sunday games analysts analysis of the weeks games.
Excellent article
great article! More if these of a monday!!
Well written article
She would give a panadol a headache
Watched in the pub and couldn’t hear but we all wondered what the hell was going on with Cantwell’s hair for the intro!
Is it true that Joe Brolly is a season ticket holder for the wailing wall?
There is so little positivity from him he alone leads the charge in making an otherwise enjoyable shoe impossible to watch
@ChuckE: Cobblers
“Every time we turn on the television these days, it seems there’s ANOTHER BRIT making a hames of the most basic facts about Ireland”
I don’t think Joe Brolly considers himself British, but you obviously do….
@Kenny Wolf: try reading all the article maybe.
@James Wallace: I did actually. It still seems like an odd positioning.
@Kenny Wolf: I admit it’s a bit random just sticking it on to the end of an article about Brolly
You go Joanne,won’t put up with Joe’s blathering
Good piece. Didn’t see the Dick Clerkin ending coming. Poor Dick
Brilliant article ✍️
The fixtures ARE a farce. The Kildare footballers were playing in Newbridge at the same time 2pm as the hurlers were playing in Donegal. I don’t think this is a great way to promote the game of Hurling in the so-called weaker Hurling counties.
@Noel Martin: nothing so called about it.
@Martin McKenna: he was dead right. It’s the only way to stop scraps..
Yea, get rid of Brolly and get a load of “YES”Men & Women!
Joe Brolly is a RTE worn out gimmick and Joanne thing was scripted.