ENGLAND STRIKER JERMAIN Defoe burst into tears at his unveiling by Premier League side Bournemouth today, as he revealed his ‘best friend’ Bradley Lowery had only a matter of days to live.
Defoe, 34, and six-year-old devoted Sunderland fan Bradley were one of the bright lights of the Premier League last season with the close relationship they formed.
Bradley — who has the rare form of cancer neuroblastoma — accompanied Defoe out onto the Wembley pitch when the then Sunderland striker returned to England colours after a four-year hiatus for their 2018 World Cup qualifier with Lithuania in March.
However, Defoe — who attended a special birthday party for Bradley last month and calls him his ‘best mate’ — requested two minutes to compose himself when asked about Bradley at his press conference.
“It’s been hard because I have kept this in for so long,” he said.
“I speak to the family every day. I was with him a few days ago and it was tough to see him suffer like that. He’s obviously struggling. I can say it’s a matter of days.
“He will always be in my heart for the rest of my life.
“There isn’t a day that goes past when I don’t wake up and check my phone or think about little Bradley.
“His love is genuine and I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me.”
Bradley’s hopes of becoming clear of the cancer through radical treatment were dashed in early April as it failed to work and he is presently undergoing palliative care at home.
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Devastating to hear about it. Fair play to Defoe for being so good to him and his family
@An_Beal_Bocht: why do you exist?
@An_Beal_Bocht: you are a piece of sh.t
@An_Beal_Bocht: you’re not a bit of a pr!ck, you’re a class A pr!ck. You couldn’t just give Defoe credit or show empathy for the young child. Hope the likes of this never hits your door, you wanna take a long hard look in the mirror, trolling or not. Some lines you don’t cross in life, something’s are sacred and should be left well enough alone.
@Stephen Duggan: I said it was a lovely story. Fair play to him. But does that preclude me from commenting on how this is an English man at an English club helping an English child. It’s not being reported in Holland or France but why are our media reporting on it? Prob not even being reported on Scottish sites. I just don’t understand it. I’m fairly sure things like this are happening throughout Europe.
@An_Beal_Bocht: we would have fcuk all without England
@An_Beal_Bocht: So you don’t follow or support an English PL team? I’ll just leave that with ya, think about it, digest it, then maybe you’ll realize why it’s news here. If we go off your logic we shouldn’t know about any transfer news either. Come on pal, know when to dive in feet first and know when to leave well enough alone. I suppose the wolves keeper diagnosed with leukemia shouldn’t be news here either?
@An_Beal_Bocht: ah so you exist to make irrelevant points about the reporting of dying children.
Your folks must be so proud
@An_Beal_Bocht: I feel sorry for you
@Stephen Duggan: No I don’t actually. Never have. Is that so strange? I have no affinity or direct link to any English club. I’ll watch out for the Irish lads over there alright.
@An_Beal_Bocht: by the way, do you get pissed off when you read articles in Irish publications about chemical attacks in Syria, or children dying on boats fleeing from war torn areas?
Or is it just because it’s an English child who’s terminally ill that you had to have a pop?
@Gustave H: You’re equating chemical attacks with a terminal illness? What? Have you no understanding of proportionality? And why are you insinuating that I had a pop at a terminally ill child??
@An_Beal_Bocht: no such insinuation or equation has been made.
The question was just me wondering exactly how deeply the foreign reporting issue runs.
@Gustave H: Let me simplify it for you so. If it’s significant international news then the media report on it. Smaller things that happen relatively regularly unfortunately like tragic car crashes and/or celebrities helping out local sick kids gets reported on by their local/national media. Otherwise there would be an endless supply of such material throughout the world. Understand yet?
@An_Beal_Bocht: I really would’ve thought the reason for his presence in the public eye was obvious.
Football clubs and players (particularly Defoe) looking to make a terminally ill child feel special as he endures an existence most will thankfully never have to understand
You know it’s a real pity you weren’t there around the time he first became a mascot at Sunderland.
You could’ve made sure everyone involved was fully aware of his insignificance.
@An_Beal_Bocht: Another insular minded know nothing.
@Gustave H: Seriously are you a bit simple? Of course it’s of major significance to his family, to the club and even obviously to the player. But I wasn’t there the first time because I don’t live in Sunderland nor do I live anywhere near it. This is not international level news, I’m sorry. You’re either actively ignoring that fact or you are just a bit simple. Which is it?
@An_Beal_Bocht: hang on so you’re suggesting that if you did live near Sunderland, or its surrounding area you would’ve been happy to speak to those involved and inform them of young Bradley’s international insignificance?
Hard not to be impressed by your dedication to this cause you’ve created.
Obviously your opinion and words reflects terribly on you but it’s me who is simple
Defoe seems to be one of the good guys. Nice lad, scores goals everywhere he goes and seems to care. Fair play to all.
@James: and forgets where he parks his Porsche
@Jamie: You thinking of pennant?
Met him once a few years back when he was visiting local kids at a leisure centre in London near where he grew up. Seemed an extremely nice and humble chap then but this is above & beyond. What an absolute gent. Tragic story but at least JD gave Bradley some real happiness in the darkest of times
Defoe is an absolute class act. He went above and beyond for that little boy. What a sickeningly cruel world we live in.
Bradley putting in a good fight, defoe such a good roll model,very genuine person,
Really sad , and puts life in perspective. It also shows Defoe to be a normal , genuinely descent person.
Heartbreaking story Fair play to Defoe for doing everything he could to help