LYON CLUB PRESIDENT Jean-Michel Aulas has written a letter not of apology, but of near reiteration, after last week retweeting a video of a kangaroo pleasuring itself with the caption: “Nasser [PSG President] & FFP [Fifa Fair Play] to his to his 413,000 followers”
Aulas has been extremely critical of PSG’s business this summer after the Qatari-backed capital club signed Neymar and Kylian Mbappé for a combined fee of €400 million.
The 68-year-old businessman suggested prior to the latter’s arrival that “it could be necessary for the French State to take over,” due to what he perceived as PSG’s unsustainable spending, and Fifa Fair Play’s inability to prevent the Parisians from leaving rivals in their rear-view, damaging Ligue 1 as a competition.
L’Équipe today obtained a letter from Aulas to PSG president Nasser al-Khelaïfi, sent a few days ago as per the French publication, in which Aulas ‘justified’ his summer-long lambasting of PSG – this despite reports that PSG and al-Khelaïfi were satisfied with what they perceived to be an ‘apology.’
Translated to English, the letter reads as follows:
“Dear Nasser,
“As briefly evoked on Thursday night, I wanted to send you this little word to clarify my position and the perception you have of it.
“First of all, I appreciate, without any ambiguity, both the man and the president of the PSG who, with much better means than others, has attained sporting, organisational and management performances that are excellent and welcomed by all French football fans.
“The point on which there is debate is the level of resources used to make PSG not only the premier European club but, in fact, the first French club.
“We are in a competition with 20 clubs where only the first two places, and incidentally the 3rd but very complicated from now on, can have access to very important resources of UEFA.
“Without such resources, clubs such as Lyon, St Etienne, Marseille, Rennes, Nice, Lille and Toulouse are deprived of the possibility of sharing resources that are much higher now than the resources allocated by Ligue 1 to its clubs.
“Some of these clubs, such as Olympique Lyonnais, have invested hundreds of millions of euros in the construction of stadiums and training camps, and the profitability of these investments can only be envisaged with the certainty of being able to participate in competitions in terms of resources.
My analysis, along with a number of other presidents who compete for the Champions League, is in regards to the level of the sheer value of the investments made by the PSG, but also their relative value, given that the average budget of Ligue 1 [clubs], if we do not take PSG into account, is of the order of €60m to €70m! The scale of the means implemented has only grown in recent years, there is now no longer any chance for the second-level clubs to compete on a sporting level with PSG.
“Conversely, I obviously appreciate the arrival of Neymar and all the other great talents that you have attracted to PSG, like Kylian Mbappé in France, who will “dope” the entrances to stadiums and L1 [Ligue 1], hopefully.
“In view of the capitalist and organizational relationship with the beIN Group, I would have liked to have imagined that part of the considerable power of the State of Qatar could immediately participate in the upgrading of French television rights in order to demonstrate that the solidarity with respect to other French clubs, especially in France where the clubs are the most penalised by the undisputed supremacy of PSG.
“In the same way, we could have imagined, but it is probably an inaccessible dream, that some of the big Qatari sponsors can also [invest in other French clubs], like Doha airport with Bayern Munich.
I express all this not to justify my words, because I know that they irritate you, whereas often they are only the fruit of systematic questions posed by the media, and to which I can not unceasingly obscure the answers with regard to my position in the French and European bodies, and as an important shareholder of a club competitor in the championship.
“Finally, know that despite the over-mediaisation of my remarks, I have the utmost respect for the man and I appreciate that PSG can, at a time, win the Champions League, and so with the points accumulated in the UEFA rankings, allow France to eventually catch up with the fourth significant place of more qualified clubs.
“So, I had to tell you all this, because my approach is not negative, far from it. It serves the interests of all clubs participating in a competition for which the economic rules seem to me to be synonymous with sustainability.
“I remain at your disposal to talk about it again and in any case, I will be with you of course to defend the interest of the French clubs, including PSG, in the ECA and the UEFA, [as I] have done so in the past.
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Attaboy ROG. Well deserved!
Only question is why it took so long?
@MK76: I was wondering that but when you look at the age profile of the other 11 (bar BOD who went in 2 years ago) it seems we are just getting around to this era now.
Well deserved, legend of the game
Brilliant stuff and well deserved. Rog isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but there’s no denying his class. 3 lions tours, two Heineken cups, Ireland’s and Munsters top points scorer ever and 128 caps. That’s a phenomenal career. His points total is unlikely to be beaten for a long time to come in an Irish jersey.
@Jim Demps: I really like ROG and he was a fantastic player for ireland. but I always wonder why three lions tours is the first thing on his list of honours. To be an out half on tour you have to be the best in your country and then it’s between you and three other out halfs for three spots. 75% chance is pretty good odds. I think ROG will admit that the lions is all about test starts. Did he have one? I think the heiniken cups are a greater achievement
@Jim Demps: if you mention the Lions tours one has to note he cost the lions the tour in 2009 being a road bump for Fourie and a few minutes later giving away the silliest penalty imaginable.
@Andrew Hurley: you’re old enough to know that a single mistake doesn’t lose a game of rugby. Disappointing that that’s the only comment you have to make about a guy who just got inducted into the hall of fame is to bring up a bad game of his. I’m yet to see a player not make a mistake.
@James Kelleher: doesn’t matter if it’s first or last, his career stats are the same either way. The lions is a big achievement though because you are being recognized for being the best among your peers. Take George ford. He starts every English game but he’s a long way off being a lion.
@Andrew Hurley: while concussed at the time. Easy to put your own spin on things isint it?
@Andrew Hurley: I’d suspect that he was concussed at the time in fairness to him. He’d have been replaced today.
@Andrew Hurley: can we not celebrate an Irish legend. Well done ROG. This man has done a mountain of work to push Irish rugby forward.
Well deserved.
@James Kelleher: Far greater competition in ROG’s time with Wilkinson and Stephen Jones in the NH (not to mention probably the world’s greatest ever outhalf, Dan Carter). We’ll never see such a crop like them again at the same time. It would be interesting to see if Sexton would be starting Lions outhalf if Stephen Jones was around now with Gatland coaching or against New Zealand with Woodward coaching.
@Jim Demps: he deserves it no doubt but unlike say ODriscoll his rugby career is far from finished and the way his coaching career is going he may well find himself getting a second induction purely for coaching achievements .
@Limón Madrugada: I get the feeling you’re right there. He’s an ambitious guy and I get the feeling he is eyeing up a bigger job than assistant coach somewhere
@Limón Madrugada: but he hasn’t even had a head coach job anywhere! Why the need for such hyperbole? He has had many achievements to get inducted so why not stick to them?
@Jim Demps: dear Jim. I make it as the other things go without saying but you referenced the Lions. In 2001 he got beat up by a back & in 2009 the Lions WOULD have drawn (or have had the opportunity to draw) the series without his contributions. That’s undeniable considering his ‘tackle’ was the last act in open play. I haven’t seen any evidence he was concussed, and he certainly wasn’t when Fourie treated him like a schoolboy. Even Stringer wouldn’t get smashed like that.
@Andrew Hurley: Negative as ever. Do you ever have anything positive to say? Yeah he missed a tackle but no need to blow it out of all proportion. Lots of errors from both players and management led to them losing that series. As for the tackle it easy to criticise from the comfort of your armchair but when you look a bit closer at it it’s not as bad as it’s often made out. 20 seconds earlier he was rolling on the ground clutching his head having taken down Pierre Spies. He could’ve easily stayed down but he had the guts to get back up and put his body back on the line. And yeah his technique was poor and Fourie bowled through him but he’d an awful angle to attempt the tackle, Fourie was a massive man playing at the height of his powers and both Mike Phillips and Tommy Bowe (both far bigger men and better defenders) had a chance to tackle Fourie and they both missed too. Why do people only talk about O’Gara? Because he’s one of those lighting rod players that people love to hate. And you know what he’s had the balls to front up to those errors, admit his fault and even have a joke at his own expense.
As for 2001 he is a back. What’s the shame in getting beaten up by another back? Do you have a personal issue with the guy because you rarely miss the opportunity to have a go at him. And anyway I don’t know why I’m getting sucked into the negativity. This is a chance to celebrate a legend of Irish rugby not nit pick about a couple of mistakes.
@Eddie Hekenui: my original post stands. That Hurley lad has had three posts now and all of them negative about an Irish player who’s just been inducted into rugby’s hall of fame. I think it reflects more about Andrew Hurley than anything else.
On another note, welcome back. Looking forward to another season of rugby and stupid arguments?
@Jim Demps: Can’t wait for the rugby. Should be an exciting season. I think Munster and Connacht have both improved while Ulster will hopefully move onwards and upwards after their annus horribilis. Leinster will be right up there as the best side in Europe if not the World and then there’s the small matter of the World Cup to look forward too. Plus my Crusaders just dominated Super Rugby again to kick off this season for me!!
@Jim Demps: Yeah totally agree with your original post. How are you feeling about the season ahead. Do you think Munster can get over the hump in either/both Europe or the Pro14
@Eddie Hekenui: I haven’t been as excited for a season in ten years. Van graan gets a preseason and we have made 3 of the most exciting signings in europe. Add to that the return from injury of cloete, farrell and taute, all who missed large parts of not all of last season and it’s like we’ve another 3 new signings on top of the 4 that we’ve made. With everybody fit we will be very hard to beat.
@Martin Quinn: his name was Duncan McRae and you’re right, it was assault. 11 punches in total. He never even apologized in person to o gara.
@Jim Demps: u can’t be inducted twice
@Jim Demps: Having the coaches in place for a full pre season will be huge. Easy to forget the turnover they’ve had in the last few years.
@Andrew Hurley: Andrew when you’re off social media trying you’re hand at the newest trolling media in 30 years time ROG will be a two time Hall of Famer , you read it here first
It’s not negative – if you want to state an accomplishment then by all means do say – but the Lions tours were a low point for O’Gara and I don’t see what is wrong with saying so.
It’s great to see you all so morally decent wrt that Aussie back – do you feel the same about the likes of Clohessy et al, that they shd apologize to those they hit?
@Andrew Hurley: Yes I’m sure O’Gara views getting selected on 3 Lions tours as a career low point.
@Andrew Hurley: if you want to get out of the hole you’re talking through then quit digging. You seem to look for the cloud in every silver lining and your posts are annoyingly thick.
The author should include a brief explanation to his career as a lot of ‘fans’ nowadays don’t know much about rugby 5 years or more in the past.
I even read a comment on here last week the the sexton o’gara debate is over (in sextons favor),
Spoken truly out of naivety and most likely on the basis of having watched the winding down of o’garas career and the beginning of sextons.
Anyone who has followed rugby for a considerable amount of time should be aware of o’garas contributions and how they haven’t been close to been repeated on these shores, him reaching over 1000 test points can attest to this, along with his pin point spirals in behind teams.
Sexton a gift and class act to have in irish rugby who may well continue and create and similar legacy or better.
O’gara a legend that was a master of his trade. Congratulations on a well deserved recognition.
@baw baw: Or, you know, it could’ve been a ‘fan’ who just truly believes that Sexton has been a more rounded and more impactful player at a slightly higher level without that being a sleight on ROG who was a key part of a breakthrough generation.
Just a thought like…
@Oval Digest: ROG always gave me a Royal pain. I don’t like listening to him on the tv. He is a bit rough around the edges as a person. This award now will go to his head and he will be even more painful. Himself and Sexton were both good at kicking the oval shaped ball between the posts but why wouldn’t they be? They practiced it often enough in training. I’ve no interest in debating which is better. It’s like debating your favorite color with somebody – utterly pointless!
@baw baw: Why did you bother writing that? Do you have nothing better to do? This is fairly typical in the42 comments section now. ‘I don’t agree with this poster, therefore he must be a new fan to the game.’ Even if it were true, we all start somewhere. You’re one fan, and that poster you refer to is one fan. You’re not worth more just because you have a high opinion of yourself.
@baw baw: why do you want to attract negative comments on what should be a day to celebrate an Irish legend.
@Sean: One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Just heard Des Cahill of RTE Sport saying that Ronan O’Gara was his all-time favourite sports person – not just because he was a great player, but his mischievious personality.
great, thanks for the input lads
Paul O’ Connell?
@Gone Fishing: You’d imagine he’ll be inducted in the next 2-3 years.
Good for ROG but Ollie Campbell isn’t in the Hall of Fame yet? I’m stunned!
@JJ Griffin: as good as he was, he only played 22 times for Ireland and even in the amateur era that is not a hall of fame career. There are just 142 overall so the criteria must be pretty tough.
@JJ Griffin: never heard of him. What sport did he play?
Good stuff. Just spotted him yesterday in Cork and was thinking how much he contributed to Irish rugby. Happy memories.
@Kevin McCarthy: Stalker alert! (Smiley face)
@Sean: fk off Sean
About time too. Let’s hope his coaching career will be as successful. (Looking good so far.)
Legend! We’ll never see another player like him.
Woop woop ! Delighted for Ronan truly deserved
The omission of Terry Kingston makes it a farce for me
@Roy Ska Butler: Eddie Hekunni
A well deserved honour for a true legend of Irish and Munster rugby. At his best one of the best game manager’s I’ve ever seen in action. There was times when he seemed to have laser guided accuracy with his kicks to touch and he’d an absolutely massive set of stones on him. With the game on the line and your team in drop goal position there are very few players I’d want there ahead of him. Also he’s one of a host of guys across the provinces, foreign and domestic, that helped drive Irish rugby to the position it’s in today. He wasn’t happy with being a plucky underdog or gallant in defeat and that’s how every Irish rugby player feels taking the field today because of guys like O’Gara. Thanks for the memories.
Special mention to Bryan Williams a real giant fo the game in NZ. Surprised it’s taken so long to get him on there
Fantastic, truly deserved.
Surely the article could name the 12 Irish, as a matter is interest can anyone name them?
The the anglo 12 list ever get released?
Big Paulie should have been in the same group ..
Ahh well what’s another year because by God
That Man is going in that Hall of Fame..