

All time
'What was Zeus playing at?': A tour with a difference is hoping to get more people into art
Woods makes miraculous saving shot but slips to defeat in Texas
Opinion: CBT and improv helped me to conquer my social anxiety (people-terror)
Stephen Buggy
'What is this magic, how are they making this up as they go along?'
This empty old house is being turned into a unique venue for a Sligo festival
'Improv can tell us a lot about ourselves, it's very liberating'
Be silly, have fun and don't worry what you look like
You're having a baby, then learning interpretive dance - that's the joy of improv
You probably won't spontaneously combust, just get up and say something
'You find the game, then you play it'
It's week six and we're running the gauntlet
We're halfway through and seeking guidance from the Karate Kid
Four weeks in and I'm doing my best impersonation of the pope
'There's always a desire to create an alien invasion, resist it'
'One minute you're a drug dealer, then a ballerina'
Will learning improv cure my fear of public speaking? Let's find out
Make me a stand-up comedian: Week 5
Rugby league gave us another outrageously instinctive piece of skill yesterday
Neil Diamond singing ‘Sweet Caroline’ at Fenway Park was as spontaneous as it looked
GAA player scores a header in today's Ballinderry-Donagh clash
WATCH: Ron Artest’s duelling egos do stand-up gig