LAST UPDATE | 24 Mar 2020
HORSE RACING IN Ireland is set to be postponed after Taoiseach Leo Varadkar brought a halt to all sporting events this afternoon.
Follow a meeting of the National Public Health Emergency Team this morning, Varadkar held a press conference to introduce a raft of new measures in order to combat the spread of Covid-19.
During his speech, he explained that sporting events — even those taking place behind closed doors — must stop until 19 April at the earliest, with the FAI announcing an extension to the cessation of all football up to that date.
A week ago, Horse Racing Ireland took the decision to continue race meetings without members of the general public, despite their British equivalent and other Irish sporting bodies suspending activities.
There is racing at Clonmel today, but that will be the last action for a number of weeks at least, as the new measures come into effect from midnight tonight.
Meanwhile, the Golfing Union of Ireland (GUI) and Irish Ladies Gold Union (ILGU) have recommended that all golf clubs, practice facilities and courses close with immediate effect until 19 April.
“While golf is an outdoor sport that allows players to exercise in the fresh air, the message is clear,” the statement reads. “People must stay at home to help to contain the spread of Covid-19.
“The Unions recognise the need clubs may have for business support at this time. We will monitor options available and engage with the relevant sporting bodies in due course to make representations for our member clubs.
“We know that these decisions are difficult ones to make, but right now, it is our shared responsibility to prioritise the health of our local communities by working together to follow the respective Government guidelines.
In doing so, this will ensure that we get the opportunity to play the game that we all love as soon as it is safe to do so.
“For security and essential maintenance purposes, greenkeeping staff can still attend work. All work must be carried out in strict accordance with government guidelines on physical (social) distancing. Clubs should divide course staff into two teams where possible and if one becomes unavailable, the other team will still be okay to work.
“You will appreciate that this is a very fluid situation with new developments almost daily. We will continue to liaise with the appropriate authorities, and will ensure that our clubs are kept informed as to recommended best practice at all times.”
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They won’t be happy with that, the same people who insisted on transporting their animals to races in England during the Foot and Mouth crisis……….
@Sean Higgins: racing was cancelled in England during the Foot & Mouth
@Michael Mcloughlin: ssssh some people don’t like facts
@Sean Higgins: Cheltenham was cancelled that year
@Michael Mcloughlin: Aintree and other meetings went ahead during the Foot and Mouth crisis in 2001
@Sean Higgins: Check your facts
Horse racing is cruel and barbaric. Should be banned permanently.
@Chin Feeyin: what would the horses do if there was no racing?
@Chin Feeyin: The horses are taken care of better than yourself
@Chin Feeyin: there’s always one
@Chin Feeyin: you probably ate a horse burger though.
@Chin Feeyin: Clueless.
@Chin Feeyin: are
@Chin Feeyin: Are you confused with greyhound racing
@Chin Feeyin: Completely agree. Animals shouldn’t be used for our entertainment. It’s cruel.
@Daniel Howard: but its not cruel to slaughter animals and eat them?
@Daniel Howard: What about your pet husky in your picture. Should you be allowed have him as your pet for your entertainment? Perhaps you should return your dog to the wild in Siberia
@Chin Feeyin: take a day off
Bout time
Never forget Cheltenham 2020
@Mossy: I surely won’t. Lost me feckin bollox
@Luap: That’s the best news live heard this week
@Mossy: ya it was good alright, Al Boom Photo doing back to back Gold Cups was excellent, shame the Champion Chase fell apart
The only sport in the world that would disintegrate if it wasn’t for betting.
@Davy Evans: what about the world of marble racing
It’s an ill wind but great news.
The bookies are closed so no sense having horseracing
@George Demo: there is online betting
@George Demo: nothing to do with it whatsoever.
It was only happening to prop up the online betting market. It’s not like there were hordes of people watching it on TV. Only limping along to serve the gambling lobby.
Good, about time.
Why are they closing the golf courses
On line betting
About time. Put health for all over money and betting
About feckin’ time!!!
Another disaster day s tipping for ruby walsh oh hold on he s working for paddy power he s doing a good job so .good value for what paddy power pay him to do.
Following the recent announcements by the UK and Irish Governments in relation to the coronavirus pandemic, the GUI and ILGU recommend that all golf clubs, practice facilities and courses across the island close with immediate effect until April 19th 2020.
While golf is an outdoor sport that allows players to exercise in the fresh air, the message is clear. People must stay at home to help to contain the spread of COVID-19.
The Unions recognise the need clubs may have for business support at this time. We will monitor options available and engage with the relevant sporting bodies in due course to make representations for our member clubs.
We know that these decisions are difficult ones to make, but right now, it is our shared responsibility to prioritise the health of our local communities by working together to follow the respective Government guidelines. In doing so, this will ensure that we get the opportunity to play the game that we all love as soon as it is safe to do so.
For security and essential maintenance purposes, greenkeeping staff can still attend work.
All work must be carried out in strict accordance with government guidelines on physical (social) distancing. Clubs should divide course staff into two teams where possible and if one becomes unavailable, the other team will still be okay to work.
You will appreciate that this is a very fluid situation with new developments almost daily. We will continue to liaise with the appropriate authorities, and will ensure that our clubs are kept informed as to recommended best practice at all times.
@Cowboy Paddy:
What is the point of this? We have building sites open with 1000+ people on site working closely and they thing a few guys (who observe social distancing) outside could spread this.
This is a reaction to the stupid Boris Johnson, do nothing and then go way over the top… UK is a mess and the reason they banned Golf is because they brought down the max meeting to 2. Yes the guys who had a massive party on Saturday to close the pubs.
Why are we listening to these idiots…
@Cowboy Paddy: well you’re clearly not.
@Verandah: it’s Ivan Yeats incognito. Let the wild bollix have his rant.
@Cowboy Paddy: ejit
Golf ??
The bookies are closed so no sense having Horse racing
@George Demo: I wonder have the bookies closed yet?
@Logan Shepherd: last week
When are they closing the bookies?
@Biscuits Patinkin: all bookies shops have been closed since last week so what do you mean?
The bookies are closed so no sense having horseracing
@George Demo: are the bookies closed yet?
@Chin Feeyin: closed since last week!
Imagine there’s no horsies, it’s easy if you try. No horse below us, above up only sky. Continue with own lyrics until you’re on the floor.
Parasites. All subsidies €100M+ a year to this so-called industry should stop forthwith. #cheltenhamshame
Chin eat your husky you mog