
Sports Film of the Week: Legendary Nights - The Tale of Hagler v Hearns

Got half an hour to spare? You’ll enjoy this.

AP / Press Association Images AP / Press Association Images / Press Association Images

Title: Legendary Nights – The Tale of Hagler v Hearns

Released: 2003

Plot: This week marked the 30th anniversary of the legendary 1985 middleweight title fight between the undisputed champion, ‘Marvelous’ Marvin Hagler, and the challenger, Thomas ‘Hitman’ Hearns.

It lasted just eight minutes and one second — eight minutes and one second that are now remembered in boxing history, simply, as ‘The War.’

Random YouTube comment: “These two guys weren’t boxers. You can box all day. These two were fighters. They went at each other like two guys in an alley with nothing to lose.”

Watch it in full here:

Murmurings Of A Boxing Mad Man / YouTube

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