GAA DRESSING ROOMS — as well as club and county gyms — will remain closed beyond 20 July.
At a meeting last night, the GAA’s Covid Advisory Group agreed that the facilities should not reopen next Monday, when Phase 4 is scheduled to commence.
However, handball alleys can be used again from 20 July, subject to the guidance and control measures outlined in the GAA Handball Return to Play Document.
Club bars that do not serve food will also be permitted to reopen, as long as they follow the government regulations and all required third party insurances and assurances are in place.
“One of the key parts of our control measures around keeping clubs safe is trying to keep players outdoors as much as possible,” said Feargal McGill, GAA Director of Player, Club, and Games Administration in a statement released today.
“The reason for that is you are 19 times more likely to contract the virus indoors than you are outdoors. Purely from a common sense basis it doesn’t make any sense for the GAA to open dressing rooms or gyms at this stage.
“The other reason it lessens massively the possibility of a player being considered a close contact.
“If they have only been undertaking activities that are outdoors it lessens massively a player being considered a close contact if one of his teammates or one of the backroom personnel happens to test positive.”
To the best of our knowledge nobody has contracted Covid due to GAA activity,” McGill added.
“Where GAA players or members have contracted Covid, it appears to be outside of GAA activity. That is hugely encouraging.
“It means, and I don’t want to speak too soon, but our control measures appear to be working. We do realise it is an inconvenience to people that dressing rooms can’t open, but there is good common sense behind that.
“It is designed to ensure that clubs are able to complete their fixtures and that no club is placed into lockdown.”
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So he’s not going to Newcastle then
@Richard O’Brien: Thought he was a shoe-in for Derby County. Everything he needs there too.. sorry, except the bottomless pit of money.
@An Observer: your not suggesting that the reason he’s so successful is the cash he can flash are you. The citeh fans won’t like that
@Richard O’Brien: An awful lot more to management than money. Obviously he can buy whoever he wants but then he has to handle all those huge egos, keep them happy and get them playing for the team, which I think is the secret to his success. If it was just about money Mickey Mouse could be manager.
@ger o’ dwyer: thanks for the lesson and I don’t necessarily disagree but I think it takes a better manager to be successful without the cash
@Richard O’Brien: careful now, in the spirit of the 21st century we shouldn’t take the piss out of minority groups.
Great to hear a man with extensive knowledge of the game commenting about how good a league the premiership is, a lot of haters out their saying the premier league is a joke, because only one or two teams can win it, which is not to far from the truth, but the overall competition for placing is brilliant and always throws up battles for the winners, top four, europa spots and relegation.
@Devilsavocado: I mean isn’t that the case for most of the top leagues in Europe?
@Devilsavocado: style of football lacking still. Too many foreigners. Should see if this year was a one off in terms of Europe, Spain has pretty much ruled the roost for a decade or more on the club and international scene. Best players like Hazard still know the best gravy. Lots love the hustle n bustle of the premier league but prob know little else.
Earth to Chippy!?