ESPN HAVE ANNOUNCED details of new six week run of their famed 30 for 30 documentary series as well as a bonus film in December – ‘The U Part 2′ – the first sequel of the series.
This new series will kick off on October 7 with ‘Playing the Mob’ a detailed look at how the mobster Henry Hill fixed Boston College basketball games. The documentary is narrated by Ray Liotta who, of course, played Hill in the movie ‘Goodfellas’.
Other films in the series include ‘The Day The Series Stopped’ – a feature on the San Francisco earthquake just before game three of the 1989 World Series, ‘Brian and the Boz’ – the rise, fall and rise again of Brian Bosworth and, perhaps most interestingly of all, ‘Rand University’ – an examination of the talented yet enigmatic Randy Moss.
This year marks the fifth anniversary of the 30 for 30 series.
How do you compete with that. PSG spending 220 million on one player. But as Brendan Rodgers said, you can’t buy history. Give me Celtic any day of the week..
@David Garland: its 7 1 man.. 7..
@David Garland: you also can’t buy competition in the SPL
@joe: Against some of the best players on the planet. They hammered Bayern only a few weeks back. We all don’t have the luxury of spending 220 million on one player..
@O’David Dave: I actually think you can buy competition in any league. All you need is money or investing in youth.
@David Garland: give me the team that will win the champions league this season and probably the best player in the world right now.
@David Garland: 7 1 is an awful beating. 12 goals in 2 games. Scottish soccer been shown up for what it is unfortunately. A record in scotland is all well and good but were beat 7 0 away last year too?
@David Garland: to be fair Celtic cannot complain when they do the exact same thing in scotland, albeit a smaller scale but the idea is the same
@John: Celtic and PSG are not even remotely the same. PSG are bankrolled by a country. Celtic only spend the cash they themselves generate.
@David Garland: Hearts tried that and failed.
@David Garland: idiot
Just really highlights what an easy job Rogers has up in The Scots prem.Celtic a laughing stock in champs league.Such an awful team in an awful league managed by an awful manager.And deluded fans too
@Michael cunnane: Catch yourself on mate. PSG spent probably 500 million on that team including wages. Celtic’s top earners are making 30k a week, if even. Liverpool spend hundreds of millions but let a 3 goal lead slip last night. Man Utd last season were the most expensive side ever assembled in World Football and weren’t even playing in the Champions League. Tonight they were beaten by a team in Switzerland..
@Michael cunnane: clown!
@glenn kilfeather: Come back to me Michael when your beloved Spurs manage to win the European Cup..
@Michael cunnane: awful manager has won more trophies in one year than Spurs in ummmmm I need to count in decades…
@David Garland: And they say Liverpool fans live in the past. How long ago is it since Celtic won it? Or even came close?
@David Garland: hundreds of millions ?
@David Garland: Man Utd were already qualified. Also that team as you say would beat Celtic at their ease. But i suppose you cant say anything against Celtic tge “Irish” club
@Stíofán Mac Piarais: Man Utd were playing Europa league last year.. Who mentioned Celtic being Irish..
@David Garland: and they won it. How did Celtic do in Europe?
Most Irish Celtic fans seem to think they are
Brendan has done a great job but he has presided over two of the worst results in our history now. That’s not acceptable. I admire that he always tries to go out and win the game but we need to be more defensively minded when playing a team like PSG.
However, there also needs to be some perspective. PSG are a club who are owned and bankrolled by an oil rich country. They are financially doped to the eye balls. Celtic are playing by the rules and are getting hammered for it. It’s up to UEFA to crack down on this but financial fair play is a complete joke.
The Neymar “transfer” was a disgrace and that’s before we even get into the Mbappe loan deal ffs.