ENGLISH FOOTBALL LEAGUE clubs will use rainbow-coloured corner flags between 25 November and 3 December to raise awareness of Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces campaign.
In a league first, EFL clubs have agreed to the idea to show support for lesbian, gay, bi and transgender (LGBT) rights.
The EFL said the “rainbow-coloured corner flags sit at the heart of a wide range of activities that the EFL and its clubs will be undertaking”, while it will also change its logo to a bespoke rainbow-coloured version.
Shaun Harvey, chief executive for the EFL, said: “We are proud to support Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces campaign again for this season.
“Ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for supporters attending EFL matches remains a key priority but the EFL and our clubs are committed to providing a positive experience for all that stretches well beyond the 90 minutes of play.
“Our specific Rainbow Laces initiatives this year will see all EFL clubs come together to raise awareness of this important issue delivered through a range of activities which this season include converting all corner flags at EFL grounds up and down the country into rainbow colours.”
“This follows the introduction of the bespoke EFL rainbow logo which celebrated the League’s burgeoning relationship with Stonewall earlier this year.
“The campaign very much complements the ongoing work our clubs are undertaking as part of the EFL Equality Code of Practice. Whilst acknowledging there has been progress made in this area, there is still work to be done.
“We can never be complacent and that is why the EFL remains committed to supporting campaigns such as this as we continue to promote diversity and inclusivity across all areas of the game.”
The Premier League will not be following suit, although rainbow captains armbands will be worn across all four leagues during the period.
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God English football is becoming more and more like the NFL. This tiny thing that means nothing. If your going to show support do something meaningful. Not change the corner flags for a week
I think the only people that care about being gay are gay people. The majority of society couldnt give a rolax!!
Ridiculous stuff. No one cares if a lad is gay, straight, bi, trans, whatever…as long as he’s getting fantasy points
@Theresonly1Liamo123: Too much people care! If only people minded their own beeswax there would be no need for these flags.
@Coner Willis: My eyes hurt reading that. It should say, Too many people not too much people.
Look at all the straight people telling minorities that there’s no such thing as oppression . Why have no gay footballers come out? With all the players in the premier league you’d imagine there has to be at least a few gay lads. I think it’s because the asian market is massive to the epl and also a lot of Asian and African countries are still living in the 1950′s when it comes to gay rights etc. Truly believe there are gay footballers who are warned against coming out of the closet
@William Motley: Haha ! And you think having rainbow corner flags is going to make them come out. Daft bullshit.
@Mike Flannery: it’s a step in the right direction.
@Ger: bs. So if there is a homophobic element in the stands, forcing their teams’ to adopt rainbow flags if going to make the problem go away? If anything it will make people worse and all this will do is paper over the cracks and have mullets getting more vocal, causing arguments among their own fans.
@deano connors: no one is forcing clubs to adopt rainbow flags or laces. It is up to individual clubs Thankfully most (but not all) clubs do. Will it make homophobic fans less homophobic? Of course not. The boot racism out of football initiative didn’t stop racists being racist but it drastically decreased the amount of racist abuse from the stands in English football. To the point where being caught using racist language can get you a lifetime ban from the ground. This is what can and will happen with homophobic abuse eventually, which is what this is a step in the right direction towards. As a gay man who played competitive team sports as a teen I would have felt a lot more at ease in my surroundings had there been something like this when I played.
@William Motley: I’m laughing here . It’s sport. What the hell does someone sexuality matter . If the guy is doing his job ,who the hell cares about anything else . Are we so pc mad that it’s become a joke . We used to just enjoy the beautiful game for what it was. Now football is non contact ,no lauguage . Sad very sad
Ref no way is that a goal kick. Stonewall corner…..
What a load of cobblers and typical of this bleeding heart ridiculous generation
Most of us don’t want to know what anybody else’s orientations are. What has it got to do with football or any other occupation?
This ridiculous token does LG** more harm than good.
More politics in sport by the Brits.