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Let the cat out of the bag: Airport security staff spot stowaway in suitcase
Lifetime pet ownership ban placed on woman who starved 18-month-old cat to death
Quiz: How much do you know about cats?
Man pleads guilty after dog and cat found in 'outrageous state of filth'
Covid-19 confirmed in pet cat in England
Appeal to fund treatment of cats 'scalded with boiling water' in Limerick
ISPCA appeals for help in rehoming 91 cats being cared for around the country
Cat climbed into car engine in Dublin and ended up in Offaly
Kitten that was kicked and put in frying pan is being rehomed
An interview an Irish kid did with her pet cat is going insanely viral
Poll: Should a pet sleep in your bed with you?
Nobody knows how this cat made a two-year, 4,800km journey from California to Canada
Dublin firefighters have rescued a cat from the Liffey
A 12-year-old girl sent this adorable email to the vet after her cat drank strawberry milk
Driver thinks he's being stopped for speeding - has cat stuck in engine grille
17 plans your cat is definitely making for 2017
17 things that only make sense to cat people
This guy is going viral for making tiny pancakes for his girlfriend's kitten
Everyone's loving this family's ridiculous conversation about their cat's nightly routine
Take a break and meet the cat that went missing for six years
Irish banker arrested over allegations of torturing roommate's cat
A city in America can't figure out why it smells like cat pee
This calamity-prone cat has been a hit with viewers in the battle of the Christmas ads
A tiny kitten whose tail was skinned off has made a miraculous recovery and has a new home
The artist who turned his dead cat into a drone is building a helicopter out of a cow
This video of tipsy Wexford pub-goers trying to save a cat from falling is priceless
So here's how NOT to tell someone their cat is dead
This rude cat ruined its owner's yoga video, and now it's become a meme
'Remove Cat Before Flight' is the one video you need to see today
An Australian cat has ended up in Northern Ireland and nobody knows how
An Australian pet cat has ended up in Northern Ireland and nobody knows how
Well, we've just found the best Amazon review of all time
This cat couldn't be less impressed by the 'world's biggest whoopee cushion'
This cat singing If You're Happy And You Know It is delighting the internet
Two stoners were unreasonably impressed with this cat's ability to jump
Is this cat going up or down the stairs?
Is this cat going up or down these stairs?
Curious kitten starts house fire, then alerts owners to the blaze
Someone keeps photocopying their cat at this library and it's baffling everyone