REPUBLIC OF IRELAND international Callum Robinson has yet to take a Covid-19 vaccine.
Robinson told a press conference today he has decided not to take the vaccine, in spite of the fact he has contracted the virus twice. He missed Irish international matches on both occasions: he first tested positive in November last year, meaning he missed Ireland’s friendly with England along with subsequent Nations League games with Wales and Bulgaria.
He then tested positive again in August of this year, which led him to miss Ireland’s World Cup qualifier against Portugal. He returned for the home games with Azerbaijan and Serbia but was not fit enough to start either game.
Robinson also missed Nations League games at home to Wales and away to Finland in October of last year, as he was identified as a close contact of a separate positive case in the Irish squad. Under current guidelines, unvaccinated players would still be forced to miss games as close contacts of positive cases, with vaccinated players exempt.
“It’s everyone’s personal choice”, Robinson told journalists at a press conference earlier today when asked if he agreed with Jurgen Klopp’s comments that people had a responsibility to take the vaccine. “I can’t tell anyone to get it and I can’t tell people not to.”
When asked as to what his choice is, Robinson replied, “I haven’t been vaccinated, no. That’s my choice at this moment in time.”
“As I said, it’s obviously annoying that I’ve caught [Covid-19] twice but I haven’t been vaccinated. Further down the line I could change my mind and want to do it but at this moment in time I haven’t been vaccinated, no.
“I just haven’t done it. It’s your personal choice and my choice at this moment in time, I haven’t been vaccinated. I know, as you said, there are managers and people that will want you to do it, which is [their] right, but everyone has their choice and what they want to do. I wouldn’t force people to do it, it’s your choice and your body.
Robinson accepts he has lost international caps because of the virus – “I definitely lost caps because of the coronavirus, which is obviously so annoying that the virus can take caps away from you” – though accepted the point made by a follow-up question, that he would have been far less likely to miss the Portugal game had he decided to take the jab.
“The other month? Yeah I know, but as I said that was my choice, I haven’t been vaccinated. That’s where I’m at at the moment. Things might change where I want to get vaccinated, I want to do it but at this moment in time I haven’t made that decision.”
It was then pointed out to Robinson that he was more likely to carry and transmit the virus to those around him given he is not vaccinated, to which he replied, “Obviously we do all our tests, we have to test before we come here. We have had our tests already since I have been here, we are testing every two or three days while we are here. So you could say it’s a risk but it’s a risk for everyone, you can still catch it.”
Unvaccinated players are undergoing more Covid tests in this Irish international camp than vaccinated players. While all players and staff are tested prior to meeting up with the squad, regardless of their vaccination status, vaccinated players are then exempt from further testing, while the unvaccinated players must be tested again within 72 hours of each game. They must also do an additional test prior to their return home to the UK.
The FAI bear the costs of all the tests that are undertaken.
Manager Stephen Kenny was later asked for his reaction to the fact Robinson has declined the vaccine.
“I am double vaccinated myself and, ideally of course, we’d like everyone [to be fully vaccinated.]
“I trust the medical experts , I’m not an expert myself in that field, far from it. I trust the medical experts and they recommend that it gets done. It makes it a safer environment for everyone.
“But we’re not in a position where we can insist on it and we have to respect individuals’ rights as well. That is something that we have to learn to live with.”
Robinson is not the only member of the 26-man Irish squad yet to be vaccinated. Kenny declined to give a precise number but, when pushed, said it “wouldn’t be too many more” than single figures, while Ireland U21 manager Jim Crawford last week revealed seven players in his squad had yet to receive the jab, all of whom are at risk of being unable to play an upcoming European Championship qualifier in Montenegro as the country is on the UK’s red list.
Kenny was asked what message these facts sent out.
“Well, I think it would be quite a radical viewpoint to just say ‘Right, whoever is not vaccinated is not being selected in the future’. I’m not aware of anybody who has done that in any sport at the moment.
“So, for me to just come and decide that would be extremely radical.
“The fact that Montenegro is on the UK’s red list is something we can’t get around at the moment. That’s a very difficult situation for Jim Crawford and the 21s team.
“I think for individual associations to just come together to decide not to select any player that hasn’t got [the vaccine] would create as many problems. They are problems we don’t need to have.”
While the government require all journalists and supporters travelling from Ireland to Azerbaijan for Saturday’s game to show proof of immunity from Covid-19 along with a negative PCR test, Uefa currently do not require players to show immunity to the virus to play games.
Had it twice….. that decision is goin well then…..
@Martin Glynn: was clearly asymptomatic both times so I don’t think his decision has gone well nor has it gone badly. Don’t think it has put him up or down tbh…
@Martin Glynn: doesn’t want to get the vaccine until he has the hat-trick
@JT: he’ll be waiting a while so XD
@Martin Glynn: oh so the vaccine stops you getting covid does it, thanks for that new snippet of information, I also see his natural immune system took care of him nicely as expected :)
@JT: have the vaccine myself but having it doesn’t stop you getting Covid….but it may prevent you from dying from it. You still need to be careful. If he doesn’t get a new mutation of the virus he is probably safe.
@Eoin Jackson: but at least he’s been spreading it around… you have to give him that… he’s a sh-1te footballer but his distribution is better than Cassilas!
@Eoin Jackson: he wasn’t asymptomatic.
@Martin Glynn: the jab doesn’t prevent you from getting covid. Where have you been for the last 9 months?
@Eoin Jackson: could put his granny down though – selfish pr!ck
@James Gorman: could do that even if he is vaccinated. Being vaccinated does not stop you catching the virus or passing it on. It just protects you vs the more harmful effects of the virus. So could still put the granny down even if he was vaccinated.
Look professional athletes are incredibly careful over what they put in their body. Do I believe he should get the vax? Yeah i do. Do i believe i have the right to chastise him for not getting it or instruct him to do so? No i don’t. It’s his choice. His body is essentially his job. The choice is a bigger one than it is for us. There is very little difference between 92% vaccinated and 100% vaccinated. People need to get over themselves a small bit and come down from their ivory towers and cop on.
@Eoin Jackson: of everybody too that attitude we would be right back at start. Young people get vaxed to protect ithers mainly amd it does reduce transmission.
@Eoin Jackson: Fantastic comment, maybe some of the pious bullies on here might need to do a bit of reading. The vaccine DOES NOT STOP YOU GETTING COVID. Getting any vaccine is a personal choice and no one else’s business. No I am not anti vax and yes I am double jabbed, not that it is anyone’s business but my own.
@Stephen Boland: you can still spread it around weather vaccinated or not vaccinated, same viral load, albeit unvaccinated carries it for longer. A vaccinated person will likely be asymptomatic though and will continue out and about business as usual unaware he or she is spreading it everywhere he goes. Also another point to note is the false sense of security the vaccine gives, once vaccinated you will generally let your guard down, just human nature, less hand washing, less sanitisation etc, chances are you will pick it up easier.
@Eoin Jackson: so God only knows how many people he passes it onto then if he had no symptoms
@James Gorman: Stu,pid comment have a bit of cop on. His decision, his business nobody elses. His medical history is private and he should not be questioned about it.
@Hugo Bugo: it’s not new information that it significantly lowers your chances of infection.
It may have, but you don’t know who or how many he may have inadvertently spread the virus to, and they might not have been as fortunate.
@Eoin Jackson: he wasn’t a symptomatic. He even said that he had symptoms both times with the second occasion being worse: “for the second time, I had a little bit of a bad chest, which was a little bit annoying, so it probably took longer to get back to my full fitness and regain my energy”.
@Conor Flynn: little bit of a sore chest, little bit annoying. Maybe not asymptomatic, fair enough, but I can’t imagine it caused him too much fuss either.
@Ollie Ryan: god only knows how many asymptomatic fully vaccinated people pass it on to as well. Considering when your fully vaccinated there seems to be a serious false sense of security just going off these threads alone. Any argument you use can also be used for vaccinated people. With regards his testing, he will likely have been tested more times than all of us on this thread together. Being a professional and international athlete comes with an awful amount of testing…
@Martin Glynn: fantastic poster boy for the anti- vaxers.
@Eoin Jackson: I mean his quote even indicates it took him a long time to regain fitness. He’s missed 6 of the last 16 Ireland games from the effects and last month he only came off the bench due to them.
@OConnelj: it reduces your chances of getting it by up to 80%. Where have you been?
Why would he get the vaccine if he already tested positive?
The immunity from his August infection will be stronger and longer lasting than taking any vaccine now, right?
@Henri Poincaré: I’d take 3 bullet proof vests over one, wouldn’t you?
@Henri Poincaré: also, it’s not about oneself, it’s about you doing the right thing for everyone else… as 92% of people have done in this country, and I applaud all of them
@Henri Poincaré: Wrong imo henri.
@Stephen Boland: no, I wouldn’t. Terrible analogy anyway. In your analogy, the bullet has already been stopped and he’s putting on another vest afterwards.
What do you mean ‘the right thing for everyone else’? What more can he do now that he’s immune?
What real value do you think a vaccine would add? (Other than just getting some kudos from you)
@Paul Gorry: expand please
@Henri Poincaré: he’s not immune though. He can still get it again.
@Henri Poincaré: he’s immune but can still carry in the short term… I take it you’ve been one of the absolute legends that hasn’t got the vaccine then?
@Henri Poincaré: an individual in work (double vaccinated since January) contracted C19 twice since. The second dose had worse symptoms than the first. NHS/Oxford university are currently examining their case. No clear cut answers in this debate methinks?
@Paul Gorry: yep
@Henri Poincaré: and I never said the bullet had been stopped… more protection is more protection… away with you and your tin foil hat sir!
@Henri Poincaré: Probably only immune to the strain he caught, the same reasoning why it’s possible to catch the flu every year, different strains and varients. The covid vaccines were probably developed with that in mind but you can see how worried health services get whenever a new varient is discovered.
@Stephen Boland: I’m happily double jabbed with Pfizer actually.
Cannot figure out your state of mind though for the life of me. How could you look at my question and go ‘tin foil hat’.
I never said you couldn’t catch it again, whether you’re naturally immune or vaccinated.
I asked what extra value a vaccine would provide in this situation.
How many seatbelts do you wear? If your answer is 1, then tell me why not 4?
@Henri Poincaré: having it twice means he is well protected. Young guy he can get a covid cert so in his case I don’t think he can be critised
@Stephen Boland: I’m glad I got the vaccine.The anti vaxcers are nothing but selfish people shame on them.
@Stephen Boland: that would really weigh you down… And wouldn’t be very practical
@DJBERMO: they were double vaccinated by January. How is that even possible.
@Stephen Boland: he is not immune if he got it twice…. Obviously his body’s immune system is unable to fight it off even after being infected….. Some peoples immune system has a stronger immune reaction than others, and his apparently is not one of them
@Colin Kavanagh: in makey up land anything is possible
@Colin Kavanagh: Northern Ireland health and social care staff. We’re currently receiving the booster atm
@Anto Curran: there’s a world outside of the 26 counties.
@Henri Poincaré: ah you’re talking nonsense, the article is about this lad having none… no jab, and he’ll probably be fine… but he’s just thinking of himself… I’m double jabbed, same as you… also with Phizer… but this lad doesn’t feel like he needs to, that’s where my criticism lies
@Mick Dunne: I’m with you mick, I’m delighted and extremely grateful that I got it as well
@Stephen Boland: you’re the one talking nonsense.
He’s had no jab but he already had the virus. So he has protection. That’s my point.
You may applaud the already-protected, healthy, 26-year-old athlete for getting two doses of a vaccine.
I’m not sure a vulnerable, at risk, 80-year-old African would join your sanctimonious applause.
You’re incapable of rational thought or performing a risk assessment.
@Stephen Boland: I have got the jab myself but you do understand that the vaccine does not stop you from carrying it, right ?? You are mad at this guy because you are stressing that he can carry it because he is not vaccinated. We can all carry it, jab or no jab
@Henri Poincaré: stop talking sence.
@Stephen Boland: with that logic we all should have had 3 double vaccinations. Your body has either learnt to deal with the virus (via antibodies) or it hasn’t. His has.
@Paul Gorry: right info Paul. I’m pro vaccine. Got mine the earliest I could get it. Glad that most people have. The idea of a vaccine is to trigger an immune response. What else triggers an immune response? Getting infected. He’s safe.
@Mick Dunne: Just because you dont get the vaccine does not mean you are anti-vax. Its your own choice what you decide to put into your body and does not affect anyone else. Everybody has their own unique viewpoint and set of circumstances.
Fact: You can still contract & pass covid along whether you are vaccinated or not.
This player has immunity as he had covid twice. You come across as a fearful tiny minded little man. Shame on you!
I’m sorry but that’s not good enough if players refuse to get the vaccine then they should be banned from playing simple as that.
@Mick Dunne: what are you sorry for?
@John Kelly: I’m sick of anti maskers and vaccers thinking they know it all spreading dangerous misinformation getting the vaccine.They need to cop on and get the vaccine if they refuse then they should be jailed and fined heavily
@Mick Dunne: I’m sick of all them as well but declining it based on your own tought process and conclusions doesn’t make you anti vaccine?
@Mick Dunne: So not only do you want the unvaccinated banned from playing sports, you also want them to be heavily fined and JAILED? It’s frightening that many people have upvoted your comments. You would have made a good Bolshevik.
@Kevin Munroe: did he say jailed?
@Kevin Munroe: ah, he did… my apologies
@Mick Dunne: Agreed
@Mick Dunne: Public policy is “get the vaccine”. Anyone going against public policy should not represent Ireland in anything.
@Mick Dunne: that’s half the team mate
@Mick Dunne: why stop at jailing them mick? Would you not go the whole hog and put them in the stocks for a good public flogging?
How dare some people have a different value and belief system than you, you Who luckily has knowledge of absolute truth.
@Mick Dunne: why stop there? We really should build some special work camp and throw them all in it.
@Mick Dunne: oh cop on and get a life or a hobby.
@Mick Dunne: seek help
I’d like if he was omitted from the squad based purely on his ability… of which (in an Ireland shirt at least) he has none… on the vaccine front he’s an absolute muppet… keep reading your Facebook conspiracy nonsense, Callum… People like you are holding the rest of us back, well done son
@Stephen Boland: it’s a personal choice and entirely up to him and he shouldnt be chastised for his decision, no one held a gun to yours mine or anyone else’s head who have, we chose freely to get it he’s choosing not to, it certainly doesn’t make him a muppet… If I seen him out on o’ connell st with 100s of other people holding up signs then I might consider calling him a muppet
@John Kelly: ah he’s still a muppet… with no consideration for all those around him. I felt privileged to receive the vaccine, well done to the scientists that put the massive amount of work in so that we could all be safe! So no, anyone that denies it, is a muppet!
@Stephen Boland: Agree completely with Stephen. Kenny if he had any balls would run this guy out of the squad. Irresponsible and no regard for the welfare of others !
@Stephen Boland: there’s a cult of the vaccine as much as a cult of the anti vaxxers. A vaccine provokes an immune response, as does actually getting the disease. The vaccine isn’t an “added layer of protection”. You don’t vaccinate children who have had measles with a measles vaccine. They are already immune. This virus changes more than the measles but given Calum was infected in august, he is immune (as much as anybody can be) from the delta variant. And as his immune system has recently fought the disease it’s stronger than someone with a 6 month old vaccination designed for delta.
@Stephen Boland: you felt privileged hahahahaha
I wish people here would stop ignoring the reality if someone refuses to get the vaccine they are risking the health of others (esp other unvaccinated folk)…. In considering to get it or not, this is a factor… whatever choice I make has an impact on others- that’s why this is a PUBLIC health issue not an exclusively private one… My personal choice has a direct impact on others- did Callum think about this? Was his choice to remain unvaccinated for the benefit of others, me wonders? If so, could someone explain how not getting vaccinated helps or shows care/compassion for others? Seriously, I am genuinely interested..
@Shane: if a person doesn’t cover their mouth when sneezing are they risking the health of everyone else? And if so if you seen this happen would you say to that person that they have to do so
@John Kelly: yes, and yes
@Shane: but having had Covid this lad is no more risk to those around him than a vaccinated person. Isn’t that what the vaccine effectiveness studies are showing?
So why the big deal. Is it more about him daring to go against the grain than the risk to others.
@Shane: but having had Covid this lad is no more risk to those around him than a vaccinated person. Isn’t that what the vaccine effectiveness studies are showing?
So why the big deal?
Is it more about him daring to go against the grain than the risk to others.
@John Kelly: actually ‘Yes’ this very thing happened on the bus and I did ask the person to use their elbow…
Personal choice is not absolute and Covid 19 has reminded us of this… everything I do can impact on others and my goal is to do my best that ‘at least I do no harm’… The prioritisation of the individual over the common good is leading us towards our own ruin..
@john doe: the big deal as you call is- by announcing his choice he is influencing others…
@Shane: that is a whole different discussion but I do take your point. Or at least I understand your position better.
I don’t think it’s anyone’s business if some people don’t want to be vaccinated look after yourselves and don’t worry about anyone else ( I’m double jabbed by the way before anyone starts ranting)
@Margaret Kane: with the amount of anti vax and anti covid shyte you share on Facebook, I highly doubt you’re vaccinated.
@Margaret Kane: it is everyone’s business cos the more people that vaccinated the sooner everything can get back to normal.
@Margaret Kane: True but in this case it is people’s business if people refuse to take the vaccine.Its because of the anti maskers and vaxcers that we are in this mess.
@JustMeHere: Exactly
@K C: it’s actually none of your business
@JustMeHere: well your wrong i am and everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter if its right or wrong
@JustMeHere: at least its not rude shyte your comments are rude and a load of shyte
@John Kelly: it is.
@K C: it’s not ..just like it’s none of your business about any other private or medical details of another private citizen.
@Kieran Tierney: it’s hardly private if it’s all over the media now is it?? He is not an Irish citizen.
@K C: I didn’t say anything about him being an Irish citizen…just because it’s all over the media doesn’t mean it’s right …
@Kieran Tierney: what you’re saying sounds like you’re talking about gdpr. The UK aren’t in the eu anymore and gdpr is only for European countries. Where did I say it was right that it was all over the media? Looks like he was asked a question and he answered and now he just looks st*#id for saying what he did. Most people won’t like what he said. He’s putting the rest of the squad at risk which is very unresponsible.
He should never be put on the spot to reveal any private medical details – very poor journalism and clearly on a fishing exercise. As for his talent, he’s one of the better ones.
@Brendan O’ Gorman: I’m sorry but if Callum Robinson refuses to take the jab then he should be banned from playing until till he gets the jab Your probably an anti vaccer and masker yourself typical retric from the likes of anti vaxcers and maskers like yourself
@Mick Dunne: you don’t need to apologise mick! You don’t have to be an anti vaxer to have genuine and serious concerns about getting a vaccine… I’ve no time for anti vaxers either but just you decline to take it without making a fuss doesn’t make you wrong or a bad person. You can’t tell people how to vote and you can’t tell them they ha e to take a vaccine
@John Kelly: I am vaccinated thank god
@Mick Dunne: that’s great! So am I but just because he isn’t I don’t think he should be criticised for it. Its not mandatory for me to be vaccinated to go to work tomorrow and earn a living and it shouldnt be for him either so banning him from playing sounds ridiculous to me…. Plus like other people said he’s had it twice so should have the protection he needs
@Mick Dunne: what is your problem? karen
@Mick Dunne: you need to stop watching rte news.
@Mick Dunne: have a day off mick ffs. I know loads who haven’t been vaxxed yet and won’t be either, doesn’t make me think any higher or lower of them, this anti vax tripe Coz you don’t wana be jabbed is just ridiculous.
If Stephen Kenny decides to drop him to protect his other players that’s his choice too. Callum right doesn’t trump other people’s rights
@Jack Burton: Why do I keep reading comments from people who think forcing their ‘rights’ on other people who exercise their ‘rights’ isn’t the definition of hypocrisy?
@Crypto S. Crazii: Its not that though. It’s consequences of actions.
@Bill Spill: Is it consequences of actions or perceived consequences of actions that’s driving the enforcement of one’s actions on others? As deadly viruses in young, healthy people go, this has largely and thankfully been a non event.
I trust the medical experts…..clearly u don’t. Some team player
I think these young millionaire footballers need to cop on and be role models for their young fans. Get vaccinated and stop the bull!! I am so annoyed these guys should be portraying responsible action for their health! Getting COVID twice is not exactly good for him!!!!!
@Lally Saputo: I think he is being a role model. His ‘Young’ fans are in close to zero danger thankfully.
How many times can you say ”at this moment in time” in one interview…
@Sam Kendlin Hobbs: Well ehhhhh I wouldn’t necessarily agreeeeeeee with that at thiiiiiiiiiis paticular mooooooooment in tiiiiime biiiiill
Wise decision i think. But im not a doctor it should be up to him and his doctor no one else. What is concerning is the vile comments up here on the journel. People who want him fired are even jailed. I cannot understand why people who are vaccinated are so hateful of those who are not.
@Tac: Fully agree! It should also be noted though that the Journal do like to push this promotion of division with articles such as these..
@Tac: Vaccines are for societal good and not just for the individual.
By publicly announcing that you don’t fancy taking the vaccine for personal reasons you are in fact saying a lot more. Particularly now that there is less reason not to take one – they have been proven very effective and billions of doses have been given safely.
Some people lose their minds on this issue…
Selfish of him, I’d drop him until he gets it.
Clearly doesn’t care much for the health of his teammates.
Wow…. Poor decision making by the player.. (Clearly!) Poor decision making by the manager to keep picking him… Just about sums up the entire decision making within the team….
The bottom line is it’s his choice. Simple as that, I don’t agree with him but I will stand by his decision.
Can we do a BBC on it and disown him if he does wrong and claim him if he does well? “Northampton born English underage international refuses vaccine” vs “Irish international instrumental in WBA victory”? The Brits do it, why can’t we?!
I can only imagine the stuff he’s reading that made him think the vaccine wasn’t a good idea but if he’s had Covid twice he’ll have antibodies to it in his system anyway which is what the vaccine gives you.
Another thought… given this is a personal choice.. then the most responsible thing he could have done is kept his mouth shut… by going public on his choice not to be vaccinated… he is influencing others, who will foolishly be guided by him and not the medical/ health experts… By going public as he has- he cannot pretend that is that… we will never know -but it is probable some who are vaccine hesitant and follow his lead…and so allow themselves and others to be exposed to a higher risk of infection than would be otherwise….
@Shane: the mRNA vaccines dont stop the virus, they attack the virus when a person is infected.
There is no extra risk being around a vaccinated or unvaccinated person.
He could not even offer an opinion as to why he refused the vaccine or what objection he has to it. He has caught COVID twice f.f.s.!! He just seems a bit thick. The FAI ought to insist that all players and management be fully vaccinated before allowing them to travel.
They are role models some examples they should not be allowed to play watch all the antivaxer jump on the band wagon
I’ll give him one thing. At least he had the balls to admit it. Nobody else has. Might have been backed into it..
It must be so inspiring to his teammates, having such a team player in their midst.
Did anyone ask him why he didn’t take it? I’m always curious about adults reasons for giving it a miss.
@Ger: maybe because he’s had covid twice and has more antibodies in his system then those who are vaccinated?
@Cullen Cullen: most studies report that natural immunity lasts a lot shorter than vaccine induced immunity.
We need to take the game on it’s merits……………….there.