SHAKHTAR DONETSK PRESIDENT Rinat Akhmetov says he is confident Brazil striker Fred and five teammates who have refused to return to Ukraine after the Malaysia Airlines crash will be back soon.
“It’s true, six players have not come to Ukraine from France,” Shakhtar press service quoted Akhmetov as saying on Monday.
“But I believe that those players will come back to Shakhtar pretty soon.
“They are all under current contracts and in case they refuse to come back they will suffer from the penalties stipulated by their deals.”
The six have been named as Brazilians Fred (not that one), Alex Teixeira, Douglas Costa, Dentinho, Ismaily and Argentine Facundo Ferreyra.
They refused to board a flight back to Ukraine after their side’s 4-1 friendly loss to Lyon in the French town of Annecy.
Akhmetov says Shakhtar guarantees the players’ security.
“I hope that together we will overcome all of the existing misunderstandings especially….that they (players) need not to be afraid of anything here.
“We (Shakhtar) are ready to guarantee all of the club’s players complete security.
“We will never bring them to any kind of a dangerous place.”
As well as the Shakhtar six, Metalist Kharkiv’s Argentinian midfielder Sebastian Blanco has also refused to return to Ukraine from a training camp in Austria.
“After the Malaysian plane’s crash I have no intention to return to Ukraine,” the 26-year-old was quoted as saying.
“The situation there is currently abnormal. I decided to stay in Buenos Aires.”
The Ukrainian Football Federation (FFU) is maintaining the start of the national championship for July 25 despite the troubles in the east of the country heightened by the apparent shooting down of the Malaysian Airlines jet on Thursday.
“The entire country mourns over the tragedy that happened. It’s terrible,” an FFU spokesman Pavel Ternovoi has said.
“But it will not influence the national championship kick off. We insist that football should stay out of politics.”
Although there is mention of green 6 dropping a shoulder in to gold 10 after Earls attempts to ground the ball there is no mention of gold 10 firstly grabbing him back by the neck as he attempts to ground it. Should this not have led to a penalty try and also anther yellow card?
More great analysis , exvellent reading
I thought this ref wad really solid in the first half. Our have double the yellows in the context of them giving away double the penalties was ridiculous. And that we got a first infringement yellow to Healy when they were allowed multiple infringements on the line, and us getting a deliberate knock on penalty after they had deliberately knocked on twice was crazy.
I think on a different day POM would have had two pens and a yellow card given against him – it goes to show how much people overreact (either way) to one performance – the devil is in the detail.
Great analysis.
Would be good to get a summary as well at the end.
@Andrew Hurley: summary, there are definitely times where either side could feel slightly hard done by, but overall the match was reffed quite well. And refereeing in general was much better this week and much more consistent than last week across all games.
I like the tone of this article . The assessment given by your Ref was very fair. However the variance between Southern Hemisphere ref on Yellow/Red cards differs significantly from our Northern refs. Especially when leniency is given to the home teams during current tours. The red card given to the French 15 was probably a bit harsh and did seriously effect the result while a similar tackle by an Aussie barely scraped a yellow card. Consistency is all we want please
I was confused by this:
“When the ball leaves the hooker’s hands the lineout is over.”
Law 18, sections 36 and 37 seemed to disagree:
36. The lineout ends when:
The ball or a player in possession of the ball:
leaves the lineout; or
enters the area between the touchline and the five-metre line; or
goes beyond the 15-metre line.
A ruck or maul forms and all of the feet of all of the players in the ruck or maul move beyond the mark of touch.
The ball becomes unplayable.
37. Other than by moving to the receiver position if that position is empty, no lineout player may leave the lineout until it has ended. Sanction: Penalty.
The answer, I think, is in 28.d:
Leave the lineout so as to be in a position to receive the ball, provided they remain within 10 metres of the mark of touch and they keep moving until the lineout is over.
Get a life son , it’s over and done with, move on
@Tom Gorey: jesus, don’t click the bloody article if you don’t find this interesting, thereare billions of things you won’t find interesting. I find this level dissection fascinating, so do many others.
@Conor Paddington: Dont feed the trolls Conor. Plenty of football articles to bait.