

All time
Discrimination? 'Only 16% of people who are blind or vision impaired in Ireland are working'
Chris White
This violet diamond is so rare it's practically priceless
Fancy jewels of former Viceroy of Ireland sold for over €30,000
This Russian student has covered her car with a million Swarovski crystals
Criminal Assets Bureau to sell this Rolex watch on eBay
Pensioner wins $5,000 diamond… then swallows it
The fabulous life of Kobe Bryant: How the highest-paid player in the NBA spends his $150million
Tiffany to open megastore on Champs Elysees in Paris
All-Ireland gold: GAA launch new line of county jewellery at Croker
Diamonds are a girl's best (expensive) friend
Sycerika McMahon on the Olympic radar as she wins European silver
Tiger Woods owned a pimped-out golf cart with spinner wheels
Kenyan MP thrown out of parliament for bringing too much bling
Cheryl launches ring collection