THOSE OF YOU watching RTÉ’s Champions League coverage last night may have been a bit miffed when veteran presenter Bill O’Herlihy reeled off a peculiar statistic about Manchester United manager David Moyes.
On Tuesday, The Guardian‘s Daniel Harris had jokingly written in daily transfer gossip column ‘The Rumour Mill‘ that:
However, Billo (or his researcher) obviously took it to be true and put the quote to Eamonn Dunphy and Kenny Cunnigham.
This morning, Harris tweeted: “Wrote that Moyes spent 10 months watching 39,432 players a total of 5,097,301 times. Someone on telly believed me.”
Oh dear.
Source: BasicYoung Fellas
I’m Ron Burguuuuuundyyyyyyy ?
Hey fat face…. You stay classy !
Leave Bill alone……he’ll be in a glass case of emotion after reading all this reaction
If bill says it then it’s true #king
It was a shocking program all round, dunphy looked, and sounded like he was locked.
He looks like a pug in fairness.
Eamonn Dunphy did not look good at all… Bit sweaty foundation filled face on him
He did most of the talking,worked up a sweat….phew hard work
Probably read that off a packet of hob nobs!!
And then there was George Hamilton explaining the away goals rule at least 20 times and Houghton commentating on scenarios…………… what if Man Utd score again, what if Olympiakos score again?
Overall a terrible show.
& the ‘multi-ball’ system…. yes George, Old Trafford can afford to have more than one ball at a game… & to have little people or ‘ballboys’ as we call them on the side of the pitch to give balls to the players…. ah the wonders of the modern world….
That patronising fool Hamilton. Does he honestly think the viewers have never seen a CO game or could be capable of understanding the away goals rule. And then the test had it all wrong. United were 3-2 up on aggregate and he was saying if Olympiacos got one more United would need 2? He can’t even add.
Thank god for Sky Sports
He should have left it there so things would have been okey dokey
Bill. Retire now please. Just once.
Go on Bill retire as you will get plenty work from your friends Enda and Hogan.
Leave Bill alone.
123 Fine Gael red thumbs wheeeeeee
Now 136 blue/red thumbs and counting
And to think United didn’t even consider Lionel Guardiola
He’s not too well known all the same.
Why dont RTE give the young people a chance and cut out nepatism.
From what you see on RTE2 around 6 o’clock I’d say they should cut the stupid hairstyles rather than the nepotism.
Now now Leopold, that hair you talk about is real. The sales assistant said so and David is no fool!
I put it to you Bill that you’re talking complete B@llocks uh uh .. Would that be fair comment ? We’ll leave it there so!
What’s the point of writing a column with made up “facts”?
Some red-top ‘newspapers’ fill up to 70 pages with made up garbage let alone an article!!
It was a joke…. that’s the style of that column….
Bill O’ Herlihy has a PR company. He’s made up enough statistics in his time.
Just wait until you “find” waterfordwhispers!
Hahaha, I just looked up Waterford whispers for the first time. Pure class
99% of statistics are made up.
Dunphy did not look well at all – it looked like his face was melting off.
‘We ll leave it there so,my thanks to guests Eamonn Dunphy,Liam Brady and Eric Djemba-Djemba’
‘I don’t know why we have TO GO BILL’
So he essentially scouted the population of Lichtenstein.
Aboy Bill!
I think Richie Stradler is the best most articulate of the lot of the pundits and also most knowledgeable. Be also is not one to be bullied by the muppets.
Yeah , Dunphy didn’t like him disagreeing with his infallible opinions,Nobody is supposed to do that!
Okeedokee and there we have it!!
was wondering where fine gael got their numbers from….. :P
Awwww bless!
O’Herlihy is just a lovable dimwit and always has been. He should basically never offer his opinion on anything.
This is the same man that openly wrote about how he felt the way to “change” Ireland’s political landscape and solve its problems was for Fianna Fail and Fine Gael to go into government together.
“Right so, we’ll leave there” !!
What an Eeeeeejit.
Waterford whispers style !!
Rte refreshed the rugby panel and made all the difference with ROG and shaggy.. They need the same with the football.. Awful pundits and commentators
Bill has got to be the worst presenter on any show ever doesn’t no anything about soccer comes up with made up facts and pretty much every bit of analysis has to be explained to him by the analysts. They should be giving young people a chance on this show. I don’t think Giles, Brady and Dunphy even watch any of the weekend football and hardly know any of the foreign players playing abroad.
Abroad… as in England and the likes?
Time to hang up the microphone Bill.
Youngfella doesn’t have a clue
Oh dear Bill.
How are Dunphy and Giles not sick to death of saying the same thing match after match and year after year.
I know I’m sick of hearing it.
To put last nights game in perspective, Wayne Rooney earns more than the whole Olympiakos team combined.
Leave Bill alone!!
The après match crew should be given all the big games from now on. Better and more original than the current panel for CL games.
Dunphy: “NO”
oh dear ;)
It was a very bad show last night, have sky but watched it on rte for the hd picture. Ah there just having a blip like united, where was the senior analyst?
Must be a youth thing but feck off! Bill and George “it’s there” are legends and if Bill says it, it must be true although I’m sure he knows it was a wind up!
Dunphy too pissed to realise
Cringe TV. Best advert for turning over.
John !