

All time
Varadkar says his new separate PR unit has cost nothing to date
Taoiseach insists Public Services Card is not a national identity card
Poll: Is it value for money to holiday in Ireland?
Committee wants to know why OCI is locked into contract with company at centre of Rio scandal
'It is a worry': Tourism Ireland concerned about the fall-off in tourists visiting Ireland in July
Patrick O'Donovan: 'I don't differentiate between atrocities'
'That is not the way a health service works': Harris extremely concerned if patients seeking help are turned away
Harris wants to bring in opt-out organ donation system next year
Driver to be prosecuted for parking across two disabled bays in Cork
Penneys and discount supermarkets are making other retailers decrease their prices
The old Central Bank roof is being altered - but in the 1980s they had to knock 30 feet off the top
Got an email from Revenue today? Be careful as it could be a scam
Locked out: Most people on housing benefits still can't afford to rent
'I am not a fan': Shane Ross says he probably won't watch the McGregor vs Mayweather fight
Swimming ban at Sandymount Strand due to possible pollution
'Running for president of Ireland is not something I would do willy-nilly, but we need a contest'
'Hello, I'm in the Dáil': TDs to be banned from making calls in the chamber
Shane Ross: 'We can still hold statutory inquiry into Rio ticketing affair'
Vaccine compensation scheme being considered by government
'Danny Healy Rae's drink-driving comments are callous, I won't accommodate his fantasies'
Shane Ross: 'I was just drinking far too much in my 30s and it was affecting my life in every way'
'I hope it doesn't take some awful accident for us to wake up to the fact sport is getting more rough'
Snooping on Pulse: Nine gardaí facing disciplinary action for misuse of the system
Fake policeman convicted of murdering man he met on gay dating website
Here's What Happened Today: Wednesday
'A blight on the countryside': Minister pledges money to clean up thousands of tyres dumped around Ireland
Report into death of teen finds impact of separating her from younger sibling was not understood
Man found guilty of trying to smuggle pipe bomb onto Ryanair flight
Man dies attempting to swim the English Channel
Over 14,000 drivers caught on their phones in 2017 - and some were posing for selfies
'They've more money in their pockets': Alarming rise in young people admitting to drink driving
Speed cameras in Port Tunnel catching 250 drivers on a monthly basis
Varadkar defends setting up separate office to look after his own PR
€4 million to be spent giving 6,200 packs of sensory toys to crèches across the country
Drivers caught for minor road offences will now face a drink driving breath test
Childcare payments may differ from county to county after creche fee audit
Taxi! Ministers spent over €1.7m on taxis, car hire and limos in the last two years
Water supply returning to thousands of homes after burst pipe in Meath repaired
Leo Varadkar to attend Belfast Pride event, but he won't attend the parade