

All time
Taoiseach: 'Householders will have to pay more to fill their cars, for electricity and gas under carbon tax hikes'
Simon Harris says timeline for abortion services to be available in January remains unchanged
Brexit waltz moves on as May heads to Brussels for tea and Varadkar hopes Dáil sings from same hymn sheet
Abortion legislation to be reviewed in three years time, instead of five
Redress Board work cost €1.1bn, while abused residents in industrial schools get €970m
Government to oppose Bill that would increase social and affordable housing in private estates
'Elaborate system for workers to vouch for modest expenses': Mary Lou and Leo clash over Revenue changes
How we could be on course for a referendum on water supply
More Irish troops to be sent on peacekeeping missions under proposed new plans
Degree to which landlords can be sanctioned last sticking point to new renter protection law
Taoiseach promises to raise top rate of tax to €50k over next five years
Fine Gael to follow GAA footsteps with new disciplinary rules
Dublin to host summit on Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the new year
FG warns FF: 'We are election ready. The printing machines are oiled, the photos are taken'
New national survey on sexual violence to be completed in two years
'It is not going to happen': FG rule change to copper-fasten promise not to enter coalition with SF
'Ireland would like to help': Irish government open to asylum application from Asia Bibi
Decision to make history optional for the Junior Cert to be reviewed
Varadkar says FG can look proudly to its record in 'caring for families'
Final say on FG entering coalition government with another party may have to go to a vote
Fine Gael Ard Fheis to vote on the introduction of a new middle band for income tax
Social media ad regulations should be drawn up for future referendums, Commission says
Central Bank to track a 'critical mass' of restructured mortgages that are due to come up for review
Black lace thong held up in the Dáil as TD raises controversial rape trial comments
Micheál needed to take action after two politicians went 'rogue' - but is he facing a storm over FF's northern merger?
NUJ calls on Simon Coveney to raise journalists’ arrests with British government
Éamon Ó Cuív sacked from Fianna Fáil frontbench for launching NI candidate without permission
Tóibín says he only learned he had lost Culture Committee chairmanship when he read it online
Homeless crisis will not begin to ease until at least 2021, committee told
Tánaiste says people shouldn't get carried away on the back of rumour about a Brexit deal in the coming days
Remaining motorists affected by Setanta Insurance collapse should get their money by Christmas
Pensioner being restricted from visiting his wife in her care home is 'shameful', says FG TD
'Medicinal cannabis can be made available in Ireland early next year if a push is made by the department'
Micheál Martin disciplines senator for launching Fianna Fáil candidate in the North
Nurses and doctors should not be on Christmas holidays in the first weeks of January - Taoiseach
'Nobody will be left short': Magdalene Laundry redress to be extended to survivors blocked from compensation
Diplomatic pressure results in Tanzania stating anti-gay crackdown is not government policy
Illness Benefit payments back to normal levels, says minister
Varadkar accused of 'losing his nerve' as Taoiseach says he's open to 'explore' backstop review mechanism
Clampdown on rickshaw drivers as new licensing scheme and Garda vetting to be rolled out