

All time
Taoiseach vows to close loophole that allows €1.3bn mortgage 'vehicle' not to pay tax
Details revealed of how drivers face higher fines and penalty points the more they break the speed limit
Taoiseach tells Mary Lou that talking about a border poll now is 'disruptive and destructive'
Justice minister to seek fast-tracking of blasphemy Bill
Landlords to be sanctioned up to €30,000 if they breach rent caps under new laws
Taoiseach says abortion services may not be available in every hospital in January
Anti-vaccination myths can have devastating impacts on uptake rates, Harris warns EU
Removing 300,000 homes from original broadband plan 'made original tender less attractive'
Abortion legislation has passed the Dáil and it's now on to the Seanad, so what next?
Calls for naming and shaming of tax defaulters who do not pay their settlements
State spent over €1m renting Brussels embassy last year, as PAC questions value-for-money
'It's our job to question everyone': PAC says probe into president's spending was 'legitimate'
Fianna Fáil TD invites Shane Ross to travel with him on public transport to Dublin from the commuter belt
Divorce waiting time referendum to be held in May 2019
'Two pints was their only social outlet': Healy Rae says mass goers are being disrupted by Garda checkpoints
Aer Lingus 'dismayed' at 'small subset' of staff who do not behave in an exemplary manner
Social Protection Department gives older age of workers as reason why it's near top of sick leave list
Abortion: These were the amendments passed by TDs this week
Safe zone law around GP clinics offering abortions will prohibit photos being taken of women
Taoiseach tells new gardaí: 'Your loyalty is not to the person in the uniform. It is to the uniform and all that it stands for'
Private companies getting €3,718 for every jobseeker that makes it through the State's Jobpath scheme
PTSB transfers thousands more of its customers to vulture fund servicer
Calls for a Cold Weather Payment for severe weather to be introduced
Seanad passes Occupied Territories Bill despite government opposition
Homeless figures to show fall in children in emergency accommodation, but rise in individuals presenting
'You're a disgrace': Clashes in the Dáil over medicinal cannabis delay (and Leo breaks Dáil rules)
John Delaney and other football bosses invited to appear before Oireachtas committee
Ireland in 'active discussions' to host the 2026 Ryder Cup
Contingency plans for a no-deal 'hard Brexit' scenario approved by ministers
Businesses refused insurance to get 'quick' payments for severe weather flood damage
Twitter portal to allow election partners flag issues directly during European elections
Taoiseach meets with Orange Order reps to discuss needs of Protestant communities at the border
Prospect of second Brexit referendum is something UK will have to decide for themselves, says Taoiseach
Moville community galvanised to help following arson attack at hotel being prepared for asylum seekers
Airport noise issues to be sorted by Christmas paving the way for new runway
No vulture fund or bank has ever been sanctioned for breaching the code of conduct
New legal advice finds Occupied Territories Bill is 'fully compliant with EU trade rules'
'We're not ignoring the elephant in the room': Officials hope new law can deal with rising student rent
Dublin City Council accused of being 'Scrooge-like' for not holding Christmas lights ceremony
Tóibín signs up two members to his new 'Euro-critical party' which aims to protect 'all human life'