

All time
Taoiseach expected to meet Boris Johnson in New York next week
Taoiseach urged to tell banks to stop investing in fossil fuels during his UN speech in New York
'We won't need as many car mechanics': Calls for new commission to plan for industries impacted by green policies
Taoiseach says minister will intervene in Bolger family case after RTÉ Prime Time programme
Public Services Card no longer needed to apply for a passport
Murphy says €310k price tag for O'Devaney Garden homes is 'affordable'
'Extended and not capped': Fianna Fáil insists help-to-buy scheme must be continued in Budget negotiation talks
Micheál Martin puts pressure on Fine Gael to include green policies in this year's Budget
Taoiseach: 'Anyone that reads the law will understand why we disagree with the Data Commissioner's report'
Micheál Martin 'not entertaining' the idea of a grand coalition with Fine Gael
Minister says he's still considering whether to give everyone a 'carbon cheque' to offset tax hike
Minister to publish Commission's PSC report 'in the next week or so'
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar says he wants a general election in May 2020
'Time to level with people': Coveney says customs checks after no-deal will be temporary and away from the border
Mary Lou McDonald says Englishman who left €1.7m to Sinn Féin was a ‘rebel with a cause’
Mary Lou says Boris Brexit 'fantasy' is 'profoundly stupid and immeasurably dangerous'
Ross seeks county-by-county review of 'insanely uncoordinated' speed limits
'I got into terrible trouble': Shane Ross on that social media speed bump, and why he went electric in the first place
Ross on Brexit: 'It's quite obvious now that there are going to be checks somewhere'
Central Bank tells government to save rather than spend windfalls to help buffer Ireland against future downturns
Coveney: 'British government seems to be simply wiping the slate clean on the Irish issue'
Harris smooths out rift with dentists over how to roll out free dental care for kids
Minister commits to paying patient advocates for their time and work
Fianna Fáil says it won't bring down the government over the broadband plan
Simon Harris to meet social media companies in a bid to make them do more to debunk vaccine myths
Family of Laura Brennan say today is a 'bittersweet day' as the HPV vaccine is extended to boys
Nesting boxes for swifts being installed at revamped Leinster House
Teenager charged after 'suspicious fire' breaks out at Scottish high school
Private patients should not be treated in public hospitals, report finds
Local councils tasked with rolling out 1,000 on-street electric car charge points over the next 5 years
Government finalising guidelines for tattooing and body piercing in Ireland
How much money could the carbon tax take in if it was increased?
Government spends more than €25m on consultancy fees for National Broadband Plan
Electric car drivers will have to pay for charging with ESB set to announce cost next month
John Deasy to quit politics ahead of the next general election
Explainer: The British press has seized on Merkel's '30 days' remark - but what did she mean by it?
'All eyes on how Ireland is being treated': Country now in eye of storm, Coveney says
Government keen to sign broadband contract and get 'started right away'
Minister to launch HPV vaccine for boys next week
Minister: 'We need to start talking openly about fertility, sex and life in general post-cancer'