

All time
Money from drivers paying 2c levy on petrol will soon be used for government climate action plans
'A true public servant': Politicians pay tribute to 'national treasure' Gay Byrne
Dáil suspended after argument breaks over ‘undemocratic’ money message veto
Water treatment 'not sufficient' to manage Cryptosporidium risks at Leixlip plant, says EPA
Poll: Will a levy increase make you give up plastic bags at the supermarket?
Tánaiste hopeful for breakthrough in Lisa Smith case 'within a few weeks'
Protesters plan 'bikini & shorts' protest over Taoiseach 'positive' climate change remarks
Regulations to allow same sex parents register both their names on their child's birth cert to be signed today
Companies that break new alcohol advertisement rules will face fines and jail time
Patients sleeping on floor of Waterford psychiatric unit described as 'shocking'
Minister to set out the 'good from the bad' in how supermarkets tackle plastic waste
'It's already the case that fracked gas is coming into Ireland from the UK' says Taoiseach
Maria Bailey's spot on Fine Gael election ticket in jeopardy after crunch constituency meeting
Taoiseach says he'll ditch his diesel car for hybrid 'if it makes sense'
Garda Commissioner says threatening posters against Quinn directors will be removed from lampposts
Rank-and-file soldiers formally accept Public Service Pay Commission recommendations
'I don't think it's the right thing for the country': Taoiseach rules out pre-Christmas general election
Single-use plastics ban Bill aims to put biodegradable packaging on supermarket shelves
Calls to push ahead with capping insurance payouts as government criticised for taking too long to act
Varadkar says he has confidence in Maria Bailey as a candidate in the next general election
Explainer: Here's how the consent vote in the North will work
Minister to push ahead with plans to get Moore Street market back 'to its former glory'
Insurance industry says it will engage with Central Bank probe into dual-pricing
Referendum on insurance payouts can't be ruled out if reforms don't work, says Varadkar
E-scooter scheme similar to Dublin Bikes 'could help solve Dublin's commuter misery'
'Returnships' to be introduced to help women get back into the workforce
New 24-hour mental health information line launched to help people access services
NTA says it would like to expand free public transport for kids after 'phenomenal' summer uptake
'We deeply regret the hurt this has caused': Eamon Ryan says he does not want to restrict cars in rural Ireland
'They're taking 2c off us that they don't need': Drivers paying levy on petrol that is no longer needed, committee hears
NTA says 'three years best case scenario' for roll out of additional train carriages
'I wasn't aware of it': Tánaiste denies knowing protection money was being paid to criminals on construction sites
More than 9,785 people presented to hospital due to self-harm last year
'Rent controls are working': Housing minister believes rate of rising rents will moderate
Dublin City Council denies paying money to convicted criminal and launches its own investigation
What will the newly-announced 'Just Transition Commissioner’ for Bord na Móna do?
'I've concerns about the level of tax they're paying': Property investment firms to be hit with tax avoidance clampdown tonight
Fine Gael TDs fearful of the heat over carbon tax hikes - and call for increase to fuel allowance
Independent Alliance want rise in income threshold for medical cards for the over 70s
Minister sets up period poverty committee: 'Menstruation is not a choice'