

All time
'A mess from start to finish': PAC says someone must be held responsible for Oireachtas printer controversy
Oireachtas printer: Requirements 'neither understood nor examined' at critical stages, report finds
No money in next year's budget for free contraception, committee heard
Taoiseach unsure if ban on foreign fracked gas would breach international trade law
Some contractor claims for new children's hospital not under board's control, committee to hear
The government has agreed to buy an airport in Connemara
Not happy with a speed limit in your area? Plans underway to allow members of the public to appeal for changes
'Failing Ireland's children': Hospitals postpone surgeries due to virus, flu and vomiting bug outbreaks
Social media companies agree to liase with Department of Health on tackling anti-vaccine misinformation
'I am not privy to the plot': Shane Ross doesn't anticipate 'going to war' over new speeding laws
Minister writes to Grealish asking him to clarify 'apparent ethnic basis' of Nigerian money statement
'Leaving Cert papers shouldn't be published in France': PAC probing Ireland's 'lazy' approach in awarding State contracts
Some pensioners in South Dublin to be hit with council house rent rise of more than €600
Flanagan says it was 'entirely appropriate' for Verona Murphy to visit an asylum seeker reception centre
Gardaí confirm they have launched 'comprehensive' probe into ghost insurance brokers
Ireland has spent €121m on carbon credits due to failure to reach emissions targets
'Loyalty is no longer rewarded': Consumer watchdog to look at impact of 'loyalty penalties' imposed by insurance companies
Taoiseach refutes claim by Maria Bailey that no review of election ticket occurred before her deselection
Debate about what ESB and Bord na Móna workers will do next should have started 'years ago', says union boss
Pressure on Taoiseach to remove support for Verona Murphy after migrant comments
First Citizens' Assembly weekend on gender equality to be held in February
Mary Lou McDonald: 'Irish unity referendum must happen in the next five years'
SF motion to prevent 5G rollout defeated, while party votes to ban balloon releases
Michelle O'Neill re-elected as vice-president of Sinn Féin
Standing ovation at SF Ard Fheis in support of Martin Kenny whose car was set alight outside his home
Banks given 'free pass' by this government, SF Ard Fheis told
'Gross mismanagement': NTA paying agency workers twice what it pays its own permanent staff
'You don't know what's in them': Warning against buying medicines on the internet as over 350,000 pills seized
Taoiseach drops hint that Bailey will be dropped from FG ticket ahead of crunch meeting
Consultation to take place on whether Ireland's nightclub opening hours should be updated
Michelle O'Neill faces challenge to her role as MLA bids for Sinn Féin deputy leadership
Repair works cost State €40m after concerns over structural defects at schools
Sinn Féin supports calls for a government review into the health impacts of 5G rollout
Thousands of kilos of potent greenhouse gas leaked from an ESB station. The EPA wasn't told
HSE doesn't collate data on how many patients can't get a doctor's appointment
'Election posters at the ready': Minister gives go-ahead for four by-elections
Department boss says he's 'satisfied' the Public Services Card rollout is value for money
Taoiseach says asylum seekers should be allowed to get licences for driving
Taoiseach says racist 'scaremongering' in communities needs to be called out
Coffee cups to be hit with levy of up to 25 cent under new plastic crackdown plans