

All time
Government looking at rapid testing regime as means of easing Christmas travel restrictions
EU traffic light system for international travel to commence in November
Taoiseach says people traveling beyond 5km limit with a reasonable excuse should have no fear about facing fines
Health Minister tells FF TDs that contact tracing 'didn't collapse', and asking patients to contact trace is 'one-off'
Explainer: What are the new Garda powers and what fines can be given?
Anger mounts as government learns of contact tracing collapse impacting thousands through the media
Pubs and restaurants face Christmas uncertainty due to restrictions
Scheme offering employers €3,000 to take on apprentices extended into next year
Taoiseach: 'It is time to go back to remote working. We know it works'
New restrictions: No visits to households allowed from tomorrow night, except for essential reasons
New cost rental scheme will mean tenants could pay 25% to 30% below market rents, says minister
Talks ongoing about holding large sporting events and concerts under Level 1 and 2
Stay and Spend Scheme 'here to stay', say ministers
Billions set aside to deal with Covid-19 fallout next year
Opposition TDs hit out at lack of 'certainty and hope' but minister says 'there's no crystal ball for the pandemic'
Support package worth millions for live gigs and music industry to form part of Budget
Just a few days out from the Budget, what can we expect?
'No decision made' on extension to school mid-term break to curb virus
Taoiseach doesn't know what NPHET will recommend, but says roadmap allows for graduated level increases
65 new contact tracers starting this week, but Taoiseach wants recruitment fast-tracked
'We must not rob Peter to pay Paul': HSE to report back on late cancer diagnosis and outcomes
Level 3 enforcement: Taoiseach declines to give timeline on when fines could be introduced but says options will be discussed this week
'The impact of our actions on the planet is undeniable': Government launches Climate Action Bill
NPHET looking at whether to mandate the use of face masks instead of visors
Varadkar says circuit break can't be ruled out to control Covid as sources say plans 'need to be worked up'
Government raids €1.5bn rainy day fund for Budget 2021
Concern that relationship between NPHET and government is 'changed forever' after yesterday's meeting
Indoor service banned at restaurants, bars and 'wet pubs' under Level 3 restrictions
'Try again. Fail again. Fail better': The mantra of the FF-FG-Green government 100 days in
Green Party 'must keep fighting' for green change around the Cabinet table, says Catherine Martin
Jim O'Callaghan: 'There's a danger in a political system that blindly follows everything NPHET says'
Leaving Cert: Polymetrika was paid €91,500 above agreed cost for work after daily rate kicked in at end of contract
Eamon Ryan defends decision not to inform Cabinet about Leaving Cert error
'There are penalties, absolutely': Minister says there are sanctions associated with Polymetrika calculated grade contract
Taoiseach told Varadkar and Ryan about Leaving Cert error six days after it was discovered
German short-time work benefit model being considered by government ahead of Budget
Ethics watchdog with teeth: Taoiseach says sanctions and penalties should be part of Sipo review
1,600 drivers, more buses and 650 bus escorts: €137m spend gets green light so school transport can run at 50% capacity
Government seeks to delay Dying with Dignity Bill and send issue to special Oireachtas committee
HSE chief: We can expect and should plan for further waves of Covid-19