THERE’S SOMETHING MAGICAL about a home advantage, isn’t there?
Never mind the tactical advantages of being in your own comfort zone, there’s something that enhances the buzz for supporters and teams alike when you’re playing on home turf. It makes everything that little bit more exciting.
What’s rare is wonderful, though, as of course we can’t rely on every game being held over in the Aviva.
So what else do we fall back on to up our chances of winning when we can’t maximise our home advantage? No matter where we travel (like today, over in Paris), there are plenty of ways to bring the luck of the Irish right along with us. What’s yours?
The left boot first
Lots of people have their little jitter-calming pre-match routine. Whether that’s knocking on your car door three times (hey, it worked in 2007), or putting on the left boot first: it just works.
The lucky socks (or worse)
Lucky pants? More common than you’d think, lads…
Don’t ask why the socks are lucky – they just are. Ask all the conversions we get after the game.
Lots of players who play sports have routines or bits of kit that help them get in The Zone. Do you?
No matter where we are in the world, Irish people always bring the #HomeAdvantage. Aer Lingus, the Official Airline of the Irish Rugby Team, backs the boys in green, as they go for 3 in a row, in RBS 6 Nations 2016.
And now, check out our tribute to the Irish team and unique fans, who bring that little bit of Irish magic with them.
Odd as bejaysus!
Fair play to him, takes more interest in our league than 90% of the greatest fans in the world