LEITRIM’S HURLING manager has said the sport in the county “will never come back” if plans to exclude five teams from the Allianz league from 2025 are realised.
Ulcan Conway is the latest to voice opposition to CCCC proposals to deny inter-county hurling league games to Fermanagh, Leitrim, Cavan, Longford and Louth from 2025. Fermanagh GAA spoke out yesterday.
“The GAA’s motto is ‘Where we all belong’; it hasn’t felt like we all belong in the past couple of weeks if you’re a Leitrim hurler. We can be cut loose; cut adrift. We’re expendable,” Conway wrote in a Facebook post.
He added: “I have known for some time that our county board treasurer has been one of the biggest supporters of the CCCC proposal. He laid out his case at the weekend. I want to provide some context.
“The estimated set of accounts I was shown a number of weeks ago showed costs of €203,000 based upon both the senior hurling team and the U17 hurling team. We immediately offered to fundraise to help with these costs but were told not to. When we looked into it further, the net cost of hurling was just over €70,000 to the county board.”
Conway said there are “real, practical solutions” that “don’t involve killing hurling in Leitrim for the sake of saving money”.
“And make no mistake, that is what the CCCC proposal is all about,” Conway added.
He continued: “We know we are a small county. We know we don’t have endless resources. We know that football takes precedence. We’re willing to find solutions but we also expect fair play and not to be made a mockery of.
“Travel expenses are a huge issue and there is no getting away from that fact. Both hurling and football have this challenge. There are a number of lads based in Galway and Dublin etc, but is that their fault?
“I know nearly all of them come home every weekend and spend as much time in Leitrim as they can. Leitrim is a fantastic place to live and most of the people from Leitrim who don’t live here do so through necessity rather than choice.
“Most of these young men have to leave because of employment opportunities or to go to college. I have seen first-hand the effort it takes to get to training and their dedication is now being held up as a problem. We should be commending these lads for their commitment not using it against them.”
Conway said the outlook for hurling in the county was grim unless the sport was resourced and nurtured.
“Hurling has been under-funded in this county for years and now the people that have kept it alive are being asked to pay the price,” he said. “Rather than being encouraged in our efforts to keep alive a game recognised by Unesco, we’re being told it’s better to pull the plug. Take it off life-support. Let it slip away. When it’s gone, it will never come back.
“If the Leitrim hurlers don’t belong in Leitrim GAA, then where do they belong?”
Fair play to him
@Padraig Corcoran: Funny that he sat in the Virgin studios after England walloped France and on live tv he rattled off the names of the French backs and said he’d love the chance to coach them. Is that where it all came from? Hope it works out for him and France.
No disrespect to ROG, he is well worth the position, but this just goes to show how much of a shambles French Rugby has become. Looking to air drop a coach in six months out of a World Cup hoping that will solve their issues. Great for ROG however and I look forward to seeing him in the Irish set up one day.
@Dave Barry: is it better to keep your pride & faith in current coaches and lose a minimum of 3 games in the group stage?
@Damian Baker: *minimum of 2 games. I was looking at the group and I counted France to beat France…….which could happen knowing how unpredictable they are.
@Damian Baker: France beat themselves in most tight games.
@Dave Barry: six months out from the World Cup sounds like oodles of time for a defensive coach to impart a few tips. These are rugby professionals who have made the French team. He is not starting at the basics here just polishing around the edges.
If ROG can bring some of the crusaders style
Of rugby to the French they will hammer a few teams and be dangerous against some big sides
Would be a massive thing for ROG’s CV, but I think it would also be a huge risk for him.
So far he has carefully managed his coaching career. By joining a basket case French side who could do absolutely anything, and having only a short period to work with them he’ll be exposing himself to a far more uncertain role than he has previously.
If he’s trying to work his way back to this side of the world, Munster could certainly do with an attack coach and I’d say Andy Farrell would be interested in having him too.
@Oval Digest: no risk whatsoever. There will be no expectations on him being drafted in last minute before a world cup. If anything it’s ideal. If they do well he’ll reap the praise. If they do crap he didn’t have enough time to turn things around. It’s brunell that’s job is hanging in the balance
@Oval Digest: if it doesn’t work out he can go back to punditry. It’s a short term probably lucrative gig. Go for it Rog I say!
Quinnys comments make it look like a done deal.
Really hoping he replaces Farrell as defensive coach for Ireland in 2020.
Great move by France and O’Gara if it comes to pass. For France they get an outside voice who comes from a far more structured background who’ll have the players respect and won’t be afraid to speak his mind. For O’Gara he joins a talented French team that is poorly coached and under performing. From a purely reputational outlook if it goes well he’s bound to get a certain amount of credit but if they crash out then he’ll shoulder minimal blame. More importantly either way he’ll have gained some great experience and can still go back to the Crusaders in 2020 if they want him.
@Eddie Hekenui: I can’t think of anyone without googling but maybe you can – do you reckon o gara is the first non French coach France have had? I know Laporte is very much against appointing non French coaches and players.
@Jim Demps: I think I remember them having an English assistant coach back in the 00′s but I can’t for the life of me remember his name or what his role was
@Eddie Hekenui: You’re right. Dave Ellis. Completely forgot he was involved with France before. Also had forgotten he was involved with Connacht. The IRFU should have been moving mountains to have kept him involved in Ireland somewhere.
@Eddie Hekenui: Dave Ellis!
That’s the lad. Knew someone out there would have the name. But it was a different Dave Ellis involved with Connacht though Jim. That was a Kiwi but you’re spot on that he should’ve been kept in Ireland. Guy was a huge asset
Nice move for him and he can only improve and add a bit of structure to a French team with bags of potential but who are badly coached. Another nice feather in his cap if France have a semi decent World Cup and get out of their group.
Some quick wins there, france cover the back field!
I hope he’s been brought in by the existing coaches and not parachuted in without their approval. He’s getting some great experience. Again Ireland will need a second in command after the World Cup.
Warren Gatland has also been approached
Defence coach!? He’ll have to call David Wallace!
The only thing I could see potentially scuppering this deal is that ROG would not be available for pre-season training with any prospective clubs if he took the French job.
@EK: He’d be available for Super Rugby preseason so if he’s kept on by the Crusaders it wouldn’t clash at all.
@Eddie Hekenui: My mistake. For some reason I thought that the Super Rugby pre-season started earlier than that.
@EK: Hard to tell the way rugby seems to be never ending these days!! Southern Hemisphere off season starts in late November and the Super Rugby preseason normally kicks off the first or second weekend in July
Win win. If they pick up then ROG will get all the praise and if they remain a shambles then ‘no one could save them with the state they were in’. Conor O’Shea knows what I mean!